The New Dad thread

Pete J

loves his dog
Alright, i know there are alot of dads out there in the Farkin community so i thought we should start up our own picture thread!
(Older dads are most welcome too, maybe we should stick to baby pics though)
I recently joined the New Dads club, on sunday in fact.
Our son was born a couple weeks later than expected but as they say, all good things come to those that wait.
So here is my baby boy Tomas, born on the 24/8/08 at 4.44pm.
He weighed 3815g and was 49cm long.

I put socks on his hands to stop him scratching himself (he had extremely long nails at birth)

Well done,my two daughters are 13 and 15,they will attack with fingernails if i put up baby photo's,you now need to change that line at the bottom of your photo "dogs are the best people",your fatherly instincts should now tell you otherwise!
And now the joy of being a dad starts,and it never stops!
Pretty farkin special, ain't it. Congratulations Pete. Welcome to our world:D.


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Congrats Pete.

5 months last Friday, little one is just starting to move to solids and the stinky nappies have begun. He's trying desperately to get around by rolling at the moment.

It's such a cliche but it really does change your perspective on everything.

I still often think of RCOH's analogy in the 'Becoming a dad' thead. I won't steal his thunder and I'll let you search it but it's well worth it IMO. I've thought about it many a night at 4:00am when changing nappies or feeding.
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Congratulations Pete! I reckon you'll be a great dad. Best of luck to you, your wife & Tomas.

I still often think of RCOH's analogy in the 'Becoming a dad' thead. I won't steal his thunder and I'll let you search it but it's well worth it IMO. I've thought about it many a night at 4:00am when changing nappies or feeding.

Here it is again (thanks Christo):

Me! said:
The next part of your life starts now and you will experiance joy & frustration like never before. Having kids is like going on an epic ride, the up hills are tough & suck but it is the downhills & flowy singletrack that you remember & talk about for years to come & all the climbs are but an amusing memory. ( I just made that up!)

Here is the most recent pic of my boys (the 2 in the middle), with our neighbours' kids. I think we are going to have our 3rd next year.

Thanks guys, i appreciate the kind words and am also now beginning to understand what others have written before on this very topic.
Christo is right, i am now starting to see things very differently.
You never really fully comprehend how much your own parents feel for you until you become one yourself.
When he popped out, i instantly turned into a mess. Even now just thinking about him makes my eyes go watery, it's really quite unbelievable how much you can love something you only just met.
I am also lost for words as well, all that comes out is stuff that sounds kinda lame but is completely genuine.
I am totally looking forward to seeing him again today so i will be off to the hospital soon!
Thanks again zaccyboy, BM Epic, Customjimmy, Christo, PINTy and Rod!
Great photo custo jimmy,is your young bloke got a phone in his hand?:) Them little lounges were the greatest!
Both my daughters had them and loved them!

Yeah, loves the phone. Gotta love the mini couch, will also accommodate a grown man's head for TV sporting events!
Congrats mate, that's awesome news!

I'm hanging out for pics of the little tike riding your pup around in the snow!
I so miss being a little kid with a dog.
Congratulations PeteJ.:)

Welcome to the Club.
This club involves shitty nappies, lots of crying, sleepless nights, vomiting, handing your bank account to the chemist, tantrums and lots of other fun stuff.

But this is what the club entitles us to:


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Congrats, and all the best. Red Bull is your friend ,and still my sponsor when times get tuff. Being a dad is great.
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My 2 babies out doing there thing,we live for our kids,and i wouldn't have it any other way,my eldest(nearly 15) has her first boyfriend,and it is hard to see a boy holding her hand(has to refrain from wanting to crush),but that's life!
Had to do this quickly for fear of being caught!
PeteJ-this little guy,no matter what happen's,will be your boy for the rest of your life,you will never stop being dad,ever! And i think it's great!


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very strange thing happens when you are thrust into the new world of being a parent.

its awsome, fantastic, scary, stupid, nasty, insane all rolled into one.

the realization of what you and your partner have bought into the world, and the further realization you have the task of rasing this new bundle of joy is mind blowing.

my son is 18 months old, he loves bikes, even got him saying "bike" [may have been the TDF 08 brainwashing :D] and nothing makes me more proud then when i discover the new things my child learns from me. they are like sponges, absorbing new information.

Riding takes a backseat for a while though, sunday's are now bikepath family rides with the child trailer intow [which i dont mind one bit] singletrail rides are now done mid week nights, as not to interupt the home schedule too much.

enjoy it, mate, they grow so so fast, i cant beleive it been 18 months for me.
Wow, I wasn't aware that yu guys were cooking one up!

Congrats mate, awesome news!!!

Rod and Scblack, damn your kids are cute!
all the usuall congrats to you&partner. my first is due in just over 3 weeks now, its awesome to get so many different perspectives on everything, and its also F-ing cool to see so many mountainbiking dads out there.! fatherhood here i come.