Reba Race


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Hi guys
Fairly new to this so some help would be appreciated.
Purchased new 2009 Reba Race I set the according to my weight 82kg about 130psi air pressure & I was bottoming out the fork went for another ride today & took my pump with me & tried 140 psi & 150psi & im still bottoming out the fork. Ive put a cable tie on the shaft to measure the travel.
It does say in the book that it has compression adjust ment but im a little unsure.


The manuals are very rarely 'spot on' in tuning your fork to your weight. In actual fact, short of the max/min pressures, I literally don't even bother with the guides and prefer to adjust a forks pressure to it's feel.

I'd say you're probably running a little too much -ve air (causing the fork to bomb though its travel), that or you need more positive air. If you have the correct amount of sag, then it's probably the latter.

Have a further play but I'd say run more +ve or less -ve.

The Reba should be equipped with Motion Control Damping, which, via the blue knob on the RHS of the fork leg, will adjust your compression damping. Depending on your model, it will either be a fork-mounted lever, offering Open to Lock with stages in between, or the Remote Lock Out model with the Pop-Lock Lever. When in 'Lock', the gold knob, ontop of the blue knob will adjust your bump threshold (ie. how much 'bump' is needed to activate the fork).

Hope that gives you an idea mate.
You shouldn't be bottoming out at 140psi!

What happens when you let all the air out the -ve chamber (bottom valve)?
You shouldn't be bottoming out at 140psi!

What happens when you let all the air out the -ve chamber (bottom valve)?

Your right it shouldnt be bottoming out!!!

Let all the air out of neg (lower) & its just very poor rebound. from what I understand the pos is the compression of the fork which your air pressure acts as the spring (so more air = higher spring rate!) which sjhould eliminate bottoming out.
Neg air (lower) controls the reboud of the fork (speed of the extension after compression)
The forks have the poplock via the handlebar for lock out & the floodgate control for the lockout

Any advise would be greatly appreciated

the -ve air is more for sensitivity as opposed to rebound ??

if you are bottoming, put more compression (+ve air), less -ve.

If you want a plusher ride put more -ve then +ve.

you should never have zero pressure in either +ve or -ve chambers. read void that warranty.

I'm 75kgs and I run 150psi +ve, 130psi -ve ... for a softer ride ... and 170 +ve for that more solid feel. ;)
Wow you guys run your forks pretty stiff. I'm 72kg and run 70psi +ve 75psi -ve in my Reba race's. Super plush but they rarely bottom out, even hitting the downhill tracks.

Nerf at 150psi they must feel like rigid forks! That's what the poplock is for :p
Does anyone know if they have an internal bumpstop inside incase they do bottom out to reduce any damage?
Does anyone know if they have an internal bumpstop inside incase they do bottom out to reduce any damage?

They do, sorta. It's not a real bump stop, rather a plastic disc in each leg to stop metal-on-metal contact.
I'd say you've got some internal issue.
I weigh over 90kg and run 140PSI and can only just bottom them with a decent slam. Mind you, neither of mine are 09 forks, but I don't think there's major differences in the internals.
Sounds like you've got leakage - dodgy/loose valve(s), bad pump maybe, so you're nowhere near the pressures you think you are - or internally between pos and neg.
MoCo compression damping won't have an effect on bottoming - it slows the fork on low speed compression (so it sits higher in the travel and bobs less). Dial it and the FloodGate right out until you solve the pressure issues.
First thing to do is release all pressure (neg chamber first, pos last) then re-pressurise pos chamber, then neg chamber to match, plus 5-10PSI to loosen up the small bump compliance.
Dial in enough rebound damping to slow the pogo stick effect and test the fork again (make sure you can trust your pump's pressure gauge!).
I've found RockShox recommendations printed on the leg to be about 10PSI for my liking, FWIW.
If that doesn't fix it, you'll need to overhaul the fork to find the fault.
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Thanks all

I didnt even think about the pump.
im off on leave for a week so when I get back I will have a play
Thanks again
