Post Your Wallpaper


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heres mine:

as u can geuss i love green. i got a few mods on my mac, if u want to know how to get any let me know ;)



Guest is a fantastic site. Stumbled upon it about a year ago, alwys served me well when I need a wallaper change. :)


Likes Bikes and Dirt
My god Jared, that site is awesome.
Just grabed this one from there.

Oh, and if anyone has a window's theme that is blue instead of the zune red (Taskbar launch thingo) that would be great.


Give this man a job, we want pics! is a fantastic site. Stumbled upon it about a year ago, alwys served me well when I need a wallaper change. :)
I came within a bees dick of subscribing a few nights ago. Still considering if it's worth it or not.


Likes Bikes
heres my new one. I made it myself. not much to do with MTB tho.

A few little tweaks to my desktop. If you wanna know how to PM me.