Can anyone manual?


Wheel size expert
Ah well, your bullshit is no more valuable or convincing than another's.

On the general topic though , as someone with a golfing background, I can tell you it's very accepted that a young start to the game in golf is near critical. Scientifically, the brain is indeed more malleable early in life and while you can still learn new movements it doesn't follow that you can learn as wellas you could .

I don't know whether you can or not, I do know however that the idea that you can't is plausible

Except my statement is true backed by science. To say you can't learn as an adult is pretty ridiculous.
Its easier to learn as a child yes and I stated that adults lean some things slower, some things that require patience and time adults tend to learn better because they put the time in and think logically about them.
I also pointed out the goal is to manual not to be a wc rider or manual 100meters. Many people don't even take up golf as a child. The OP isnt trying to be a world champ manualer.
Been older there is probably a lower limit to how far or well he can manual but its achievable none the less.

I think the concept that you "definately can't" would be pretty rare and mosty will come down to lack of practice or lack of correct practice. There is clearly a point where someone is so old they physically can't do something or but manualing has no physically limitations it comes down to balance and cog. All of which can be trained. If someone is physically able to do something but just can't I doubt they would have been able to do much even if they started young. The older one gets the longer It takes to learn but the brain remains plastic.

Keep in mind most people who are riding off road have all the tools they need and ability to do so it just takes practice and patience. Taking up golf is like taking up riding very different a better comparison would be a golfer just learning a new swing which is all this is.

OP you can mono this is a good start it means you know your balance point. Its just a matter of finding it and using your hip and legs to move back and forward to keep the weight centered.
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Likes Bikes and Dirt
Except THAT my statement is...

AND backed by science. (really?)

learn as a child <comma> yes <comma> ....

BEING older.... (not BEEN older)

definItely (not definAtely)

no PHYSICAL limitations (not PHYSICALLY)

the ability to do IT <comma> so it just takes practice...

...taking up riding <comma> very different <fullstop>. A better comparison...

OP <comma> you can mono <comma> this is a

You know, for someone who claims to be pedantic, you're not very pedantic. :D


Likes Dirt
Except THAT my statement is...

learn as child <comma> yes <comma> ....

BEING older.... (not BEEN older)

definItely (not definAtely)

no PHYSICAL limitations (not PHYSICALLY)

the ability to do IT <comma> so it just takes practice...

...taking up riding <comma> very different <fullstop>. A better comparison...

OP <comma> you can mono <comma> this is a

You know, for someone who claims to be pedantic, you're not very pedantic. :D
Aahh, the grammar police; the last retort in a lost battle.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Nah, I couldn't care less. He just tries to wind me up and claims he is pedantic. Just giving it back.


Wheel size expert
Aahh, the grammar police; the last retort in a lost battle.

Pedantic about what matters. Grammar in a forum on my phone takes a back seat, I give the users more credit and know they can read my post without the use of commas and fullstops.

Unless grammar was saving a life;

"lets eat, grandma"
"Lets eat grandma"

If its not, I don't care on a forum. At lEASt I aINt WriTING LYK dis.

I wind you up? I'm not trying to wind you up at all.


Eats Squid
No battle lost.

That would have been a decent reply DK if anyone had made the claims you replied to.

No one said " definately can't " - even if you put it in inverted commas, doesn't make me say it. Nor did I or anyone say an adult can't learn, that would be stupid, as you have correctly pointed out.

So anyway, has anyone who can manual learnt to do it after say 30?


Wheel size expert
No battle lost.

That would have been a decent reply DK if anyone had made the claims you replied to.

No one said " definately can't " - even if you put it in inverted commas, doesn't make me say it. Nor did I or anyone say an adult can't learn, that would be stupid, as you have correctly pointed out.

So anyway, has anyone who can manual learnt to do it after say 30?
Sorry I took.

"I do know however that the idea that you can't is plausible"

As you can't learn as a conclusive statement. Which as we agree on is stupid :)

I'm glad we agree on a post that was irrelevant for me to write.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Go to your local BMX track and try it on a 20" BMX first, then move to your dually 26" or whatever.
This is the easy method. The tough as nails method is to first learn to manual on a tandem (in either seat, your choice). It will take a long time to master, but when you do, it will be child's play to manual on a long travel 29er dually.


Likes Dirt
The OP isnt trying to be a world champ manualer.
Been older there is probably a lower limit to how far or well he can manual but its achievable none the less.
I'm only 15 so hopefully I have a few years left! But my bike isn't the lightest and I guess it would be a lot easier on a shorter bike, But it is a 26er


Wheel size expert
I'm only 15 so hopefully I have a few years left! But my bike isn't the lightest and I guess it would be a lot easier on a shorter bike, But it is a 26er
Well as long as your not 50 your fine haha.

Longer bikes more so longer chainstays make it a little harder. But still easy to do on a downhill bike its just about finding the bikes balance point and of course shiftin your weight back.

If you don't have a copy try find the DVD fundamentals by dirt.
This one.

I have no idea if hat site is ok to buy off i just linked it to show you what the DVD looks like.

Its actually a great DVD and goes through am ynof the basics including manualing pumping jumping cornering etc very valuable.


Likes Dirt
Thanks for the link, I haven't been able to find my balance point or anything because i'm struggling to even pull the bike up haha


Eats Squid
I am over 40 and can't manual.

But there is a LOT of shit I can't do on a bike, so that is no surprise.

A while ago I had occasion to ride my son's bmx bike, and was having a great time trying to manual without much success. So I really pulled back hard, straightened the legs, and ended up hard on my ass with the bike flying through the air in front of me. This was the source of much amusement to the large crowd of netball supporters that I happened to be riding past.

Joly Joe Rider

Likes Dirt
I'm 30 and learning. I set up my bike (bmx or mtb) on a turbo trainer and practice there (nice and safe). Been at it for 4 months. before I started a manual on a ride was maybe 2-3m (and 4 -5 seconds on the turbo) now I now can go for maybe 10-15 meters on the trails (and hold for 20 seconds or more on the turbo).
The turbo is great for learning the muscles memory without having to think about anything else :)


Likes Dirt
I'm 30 and learning. I set up my bike (bmx or mtb) on a turbo trainer and practice there (nice and safe). Been at it for 4 months. before I started a manual on a ride was maybe 2-3m (and 4 -5 seconds on the turbo) now I now can go for maybe 10-15 meters on the trails (and hold for 20 seconds or more on the turbo).
The turbo is great for learning the muscles memory without having to think about anything else :)
What happens when you fall back though, Wouldn't the trainer get in the way of your feet?

Joly Joe Rider

Likes Dirt
What happens when you fall back though, Wouldn't the trainer get in the way of your feet?
It does a bit when you have to bail and if you do loop out there is no way off stopping it so you should start on flats. Having said that it's a good way to learn without using the brakes.
Also good for those rainy days - I'm in the uk so there are a lot of those. Keep your arms straight. Once you are close to the balance point I think of this - more tension in my arms and more knee bend to go up. More pressure on your feet/straighten your legs for down. It's a lot of hip action too. I've single leg dead lifts have helped in getting the front up as well as improve balance.
I've been getting on the trainer for couple of hours a week.


I however am very normal. Trust me.
Just talking about this the other day, the guy who could manual and was showing off ( moments before someone better than him manualed straight into a rocky Shute ) reckons you can only learn when young and hasn't seen a mature rider learn it.
I going with drift on this, I don't think age makes a difference in learning to manual or anything else that less complex than a learning a language for the first time. The brain is highly plastic you just need to provide the correct stimulus. My 70 year old mum could learn to manual given enough instruction and practice.

Kids pick up motor skills such as this easier, simply because they have more time to practice, if I had three hours per day after work to ride around constantly practicing skills I'd get (my mum) and you, would get very good at them. Unfortunately work, study and family commitments means I often don't have time or motivation to ride late at night when I finally have some free time.

I can only manual sets of doubles or quads, as this is the only time I ever practice.


Likes Dirt
Curious about this turbo setup. Must be quite painful to land on particularly if its spinning quickly!


Wheel size expert
Thanks for the link, I haven't been able to find my balance point or anything because i'm struggling to even pull the bike up haha
Exploring this.
How are you pulling the bike up?
Manualing and to extension monos should be done with hip and body weight shifting not arms.
One big mistake newbies make is they try pull the bike up with thier arms. Which essentially lifts the front for 1second.

If you watch good riders you will see they pull a little with thier arms but mostly thier arms remain straight with little bending. Its actually the hips and movement of your weight backwards that lifts the bike.

Lifting the bike up try.
Pulling a little in the arms and leaning your body back, while doing this weight your feet and push down and forward a little into your heels.

Your aim is to rotate your entire body back with the bike.

Ps. Do this slowly at first and make sure your wearing protection incase you overshoot and fall off the back haha.
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