

custom titis
I haven't seen @johnny for a while is it true he is on deployment in China currently? Being a spy and all must be pretty time consuming currently?
I heard his China interest was actually a cover story. He is actually a Russian plant here to short front Tony Abbott.
Pick one:
Bought a Jeep and is stranded on the side of the road,
Time out for family,
Spending a year dead for tax reasons,
On deployment in N. Korea,
On deployment in S. Korea,
In S. Korea but not deploying,
In N. Korea and taking video of supreme pizzas,
Sick of Rotorburn shit,
Bought an Alfa and is stranded on the dark side of the moon.
Pick one:
Bought a Jeep and is stranded on the side of the road,
Time out for family,
Spending a year dead for tax reasons,
On deployment in N. Korea,
On deployment in S. Korea,
In S. Korea but not deploying,
In N. Korea and taking video of supreme pizzas,
Sick of Rotorburn shit,
Bought an Alfa and is stranded on the dark side of the moon.
Maybe he got an E-Bike and is having too much fun to check in?
He’s mid training montage for the world frisbee golf championship.

Or taking a break while he grows a nice waxed handlebar moe beard and is waiting for it to fully mature before showing us his new cookie duster.
He’s mid training montage for the world frisbee golf championship.

Or taking a break while he grows a nice waxed handlebar moe beard and is waiting for it to fully mature before showing us his new cookie duster.

He is more of a beard guy.
I’d like to attend the seminar telling me about spending a year dead for tax reasons.

Do I get a week in a time share accomodation if I sit though the hour long zoom meeting?

I keep getting these emails from “the new Phoenix corporation” telling me I should call them.

I’d like to attend the seminar telling me about spending a year dead for tax reasons.

Do I get a week in a time share accomodation if I sit though the hour long zoom meeting?

I keep getting these emails from “the new Phoenix corporation” telling me I should call them.

You, too, are angry about funding the 'sex bubble' in Canberra, I don't blame you one bit. :)