Parks 2025: Southern Flinders Ranges- Melrose SA $10M

A few mentions @Ackland :)
It also links this blast from the past at the bottom....
My Formula 33 didn't arrive in time so I rode the whole time on the rigid fork.
Not sure my wrists ever forgave me

It also links this blast from the past at the bottom....
My Formula 33 didn't arrive in time so I rode the whole time on the rigid fork.
Not sure my wrists ever forgave me

” When asked if he’d do it again, he cracked an evil grin and said, “see you next year!” See you then!

And you never did !

I've only missed being there once but it's probably 50:50 if I ride or vollie these days.

I seem to be the youth/kids lap steward then beer shortcut operative most years.

Never know, we could have a Melrose 100 in a few years time :D

I even got an indirect mention.

“We really do rely on the people that live in our surrounding districts to come in and ride these trails. There’s probably five or so riders that actually live in town, and another 12 or so folks from Adelaide who have bought houses in Melrose that ride mountain bikes,” says Deputy Mayor Norton, who also owns the Under the Mount accommodation.

I'm heading up Wed to 'cut the grass' ;)

My neighbour says caltrop was getting out of control and nuked my whole yard with weed killer. I need to assess, ride Willowie and rehydrate.
I'm heading up Wed to 'cut the grass' ;)

My neighbour says caltrop was getting out of control and nuked my whole yard with weed killer. I need to assess, ride Willowie and rehydrate.

That’s a long way of saying look at the dirt at the back of the house. Ride my bike and sit at the pub.

Plans look great and with Patto doing the trails there will be sneaky little features added in here and there. Looking forward to it. Do I start training now so I can complete a loop?
That’s a long way of saying look at the dirt at the back of the house. Ride my bike and sit at the pub.

Plans look great and with Patto doing the trails there will be sneaky little features added in here and there. Looking forward to it. Do I start training now so I can complete a loop?

I actually might have to do something... 3 corner jacks plants sprouting up everywhere :(

Heading out now to get a backpack sprayer, looks like my little 5L handheld is useless. I dont like Round-up and have never used it but looks like I need some muscle up there.

The trail that takes you to Willowie might be an epic on its own, its 7km by rail trail, might end up 15-17km each way depending on how high up the mountain they build it.
Apparently some sensational gorges and rock features on the lower mountain.

Good shit happening anyway.
A few mentions @Ackland :)

I'm confused. Is it Don, Garry or Matt that wants to turn us all moorey?
I'm confused. Is it Don, Garry or Matt that wants to turn us all moorey?

All 4 of them !

Patto will probably go along the lines of disturbing as little as possible, retaining the rugged, techy terrain without making it look like someone actually ran a digger through there.

Nice features and a lot of it hand built.

I'm in Melrose now, Willowie tomorrow.
Nice, Willowie link track in there too ;)

Ride and gardening finished, back yard is tomorrow's job, arrow points to beer o'clock.


I'd say you could put some, all or none of those into a magic 8 ball, shake it, wait for the election outcome and then still be no closer to an answer
Unsure of who's pocket this came out of but its Gov cash from some direction.

~90km of trail, some was old railtrail linking all the towns together (linking them to Melrose ;))

Once the Booleroo pub opens again, there will be coffee, beer and bakery every 15-20km for the length of it.

Just another option when visiting Melrose.


