All the Covid bike purchases flooding the market?

Have been pondering moving the Orange on. Just not riding it and I can see it being a long time before my fitness comes back up to scratch… But maybe the covid prices going away means I can keep it for a rainy day after all!
Have been pondering moving the Orange on. Just not riding it and I can see it being a long time before my fitness comes back up to scratch… But maybe the covid prices going away means I can keep it for a rainy day after all!
I’m not sure @moorey has any kidneys left…

So, maybe give it a summer season before you punt it? You’ve moved, done the COVID dance, lost the mojo over winter, and generally haven’t had that much time/motivation to use it. Get healthy first, then assess IMO. You still have the Trance for milder, return to fitness rides yeah?
I’m not sure @moorey has any kidneys left…

So, maybe give it a summer season before you punt it? You’ve moved, done the COVID dance, lost the mojo over winter, and generally haven’t had that much time/motivation to use it. Get healthy first, then assess IMO. You still have the Trance for milder, return to fitness rides yeah?
Yes, I think that’s the plan. And yeah, the trance will get some love reconnecting with some XC action.
there was some muppet on FB trying to sell an Octane One Zircus DJ bike the other day for $2800!...although the zircus frame is ok, they are the cheapest frame available on CRC, the rest of the spec was reasonable but he was promptly informed (by myself) that covid was over and prices had gone back to normal and he needed to calm down!...I don't think he likes me anymore :(
Edit: Zircus frame is on sale at $176!
there was some muppet on FB trying to sell an Octane One Zircus DJ bike the other day for $2800!...although the zircus frame is ok, they are the cheapest frame available on CRC, the rest of the spec was reasonable but he was promptly informed (by myself) that covid was over and prices had gone back to normal and he needed to calm down!...I don't think he likes me anymore :(
Edit: Zircus frame is on sale at $176!
Oh no how will you ever survive without their worthless likes and approval ;)
what would T-Rump do?
The Orange shitstain would tell all his brain-dead fuckwit followers that EVERYONE loved him; that democrat voting women were lining up so he could grab them by the pussy, and that the last Murican presidential erection was stolen from him.
12 months ago maybe. In the middle of a build I definitely don’t need and can’t afford as it is.
Don’t sell it.
No, I probably won’t. I do still quite like it, despite the fact I have never gotten remotely close to using it to its proper capacity….
Hard to sell anything at present. My wife has a specialized stumpy FSR carbon for sale ad only had stupid offers. It's a few years old but in great Cond and well priced but nothing! I can see more brands going the way of Canyon and YT in the near future. I can't see how Trek, Specialized etc can charge 12k for a GX/XT spec with 2nd tier suspension when Canyon and YT are doing it for 7-9k
also is it just my little part of the world but,, are there A LOT of Large/extra large bikes/frames up?
Anything interesting?

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quick look this morn reveals a 2021 Canyon Spectral 29 7 for 4.500 but it's a large frame and that wouldn't suit me.

there's also a few good deals here and there on mediums but i've already got my bike even though i paid a rona tax on it.