Ashgrove Jumps discussion/Work Group

  • Thread starter Deleted member FN2187
  • Start date

Deleted member FN2187

Hello All.

Ok form the positive response recieved out of Ruckus Lord's thread and interest shown By Gavin Finlay from Ashgrove cycles and Oppy I think it's time to make progress towards the repair/change of the ashgrove Blue nurses jumps. I'm going to propose that we as a collective group of riders form a trail and jump discussion/work comittee. This will involve all of us sitting down together to decide on the direction in which we believe the jumps be Designed, Built and Maintained.

I will be liaising with Gav and we hopefully will be able to set a date for everyone to get together and discuss what needs to be done, who will be involved and have a realistic idea about what we will be able to achieve. Already we have many fantastic idea's posted on the previous thread. I need everyone who is serious about getting involved to come along and bring their Idea's. I'm going to suggest that we include the Adelade dirt jump park as an example to show the councill representative who will be aproving or denying the proposal, that it has been done before with great success.

Now we have to be realistic about what we plan on submitting. The safer the better. There is very little chance of getting 25ft doubles built by the councill. So I would suggest smaller, table top type jumps preferably with a 10-15 foot take off to landing, transfer lines, hips and maybee a berm or two. I would like to see the majority of the land available used. Ryan also suggests a wall ride(thats a tops Idea) and anything else you wish to add bring along to the discussion group.

The discussion group will be for anyone who wants to do some work, bring some Idea's or simply come along to support and find out what we plan on getting together. A date will hopefully be set in the near future and we can do something about getting some decent jumps in our area. Please support this group as the more people we show to have an interest, the more chance we will be able to have something done.

I would also like to take this opportunity to apologise to Gav Finlay and Ashgrove Cycles for inappropriate discussions and misdirected frustrations towards him by myself and others, as he has put in more effort towards the jumps than anyone else and has put more into the local riding community than anyone cares to notice. All of this dispite any of our overly boistrous internet forum based opinions. We all still love you Gav. This is a mountain biking community, lets keep it that way and work together people.

More info as it comes to hand.

Cheers, Matt ;)
Boo, snake.

We need a list of people who are willing to contribute and who are going to follow through on this if it's going to be a success. It will take a long time. We will need to work on the jumps at least one Saturday / Sunday a month at first for it to work.

We also need someone with art skills to draw a decent plan of how the finished area should look, the more pro the better.

We need people who can present themselves to council without looking like unwashed, uneducated dolts.

We need people who can swing shovels and build and shape jumps.

We need people who can get their mates keen to help out at doing something awesome.

My suggestions from the previous thread;

- Stunts / skills area. If you've ridden Bronwyn's you know the BCC aren't necessarily averse to 'North Shore' style stunts / drops / bridges etc.
- Wallride, real one. Wall that you can ride your bike on, left side and right side entry and exits so it's not on anyone's 'wrong side' , part of the "big line" so squids can't get in to hit it easily and kill themselves.
- Pump track; hells yeah. Nuff said.
- Better utilisation of existing space, no huge empty areas of bare dirt being used for nothing in particular.
- Fix up roll in, proper drainage so that it doesn't get rutted out when it rains.

Also, the jumps need to be rebuilt, IMBA style if we're going to have a big set that squids won't fuck up, that looks like this only our big line will be kickier and closer together, hopefully;


Then we can have hips, berms, wallrides and so on as part of the big line that will be extremely difficult for kids to get onto and kill themselves, while still giving them enough lines to progress their skills that they'll be ready for the big line.

People confirmed so far are;
Andrew Leitch
Will ?Lastname?
Matt Addison
Drew Raison (doesn't get a choice)
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ooh matt's a snakee :p

as i said in the other thread - shit definately needs to be done and done properly

We need people who can present themselves to council without looking like unwashed, uneducated dolts.

We need people who can swing shovels and build and shape jumps.

We need people who can get their mates keen to help out at doing something awesome.
can do the above. unfortunately, im not much of an artist!

i'll copy and paste my suggestions from the other thread in a second

also, apologies to Gav for digging into him.
here are my suggestions as communicated in the previous thread:
all the sets start from the same run in (ie, the current one). you have them decreasing in difficulty from right to left - the far right set will be the biggest, most "trailsy" set as you say - two (maybe three if you can fit them) doubles running towards the dog park, leading into a left hand berm on that corner which runs to another 4/6pack of similar size. these jumps could easily be built to the size and form of ferny or similar, and still conform to the "must not be dug out doubles" rule. you could even chuck the wallride above the berm there, though it would then be confined to those who wallride to the left.

the other number of sets then progress in decreasing difficulty to the left: a set the size of the current big set (but built better), a set in between the current big and "medium" sets, a set the size of the mediums, and a set smaller, totalling 5 sets of jumps. obviously there would be space limitations and that would have to be addressed - some directional changes would no doubt be necessary, potentially requiring the removal of those couple of trees behind where those stormwater drains sit. the sets of jumps could then progress to the centre of the park, with the 3 biggest sets following a similar L-shaped course as outlined above for the biggest set - hopefully allowing transfers etc to be developed between them.

the table top could stay in its current position, with some work done to help it be more sustainable - ie to help minimise the rutting that plagues its downramp.

the building of a pumptrack would be harder to do. going by how much the place is used by general recreational riders (read: little kids) i imagine a pump track would quickly become very worn and ultimately be no more than a few little lumps on the ground - any flow in it as a pump track would be lost. i guess it could be a good sacrifice to keep kids off the bigger jumps to stop them being destroyed, but as far as keeping it as a pump track, it would need some serious maintenance.

one more thing that i think would be really benificial would be signage. by signing the big set as "black diamond" or whatever, and signing the others in decreasing difficulty, i imagine you could do a lot to deter little kiddies from just rolling over them. im sure their size and scope would help, but i think signage would be really beneficial - things like "Warning: Black Diamond Run - Ride at Your Own Risk" or whatever with like a big black diamond in the middle. even just something similar to the blue posts at the start of McFrenzie in Toowoomba would be really good. i just think signage would be really helpful.

anyway, thats enough from me for now - please discuss/criticise/add to anything above... sharing is caring
Posting interest in the group, one thing I've found with that area is that it does lack shades in some areas so perhaps after everything is set up we can set up some more shady areas around the place which means the DRCC comps won't be a tanning festive.

Pump track would be great that possibly could link up with any of the berms we make, but something that goes around the vicinity of the area would be nice. has a great section on building pump tracks as well as other trail building information that we could utilize.

Ryan: Possible in that pic have the pump track where you can jump in after doing the berm which goes around the log ride like a race track sorta shape.

Nick Muggeridge
PM for mobile
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I'm definatly in:
Sam Adamas 0404167880.

I have my own shovels and have built shit loads of jumps around the place, I helpd shape some public jumps near my house.

Will there be aq complete knock down and re-start? or are we going to incorperate whats there?

Post up build dates and I'll be there with bells on.
Boo, snake.
haha what ever. It needs to have it's own thread don't you think. So :p

Will there be a complete knock down and re-start? or are we going to incorperate whats there?

Hopefully we will be completely redesigning the site. But this will all be discussed at the discussion group. We still have to find out what we are allowed to do.
matt. as i said to ryan last night, if you need any help around drafting proposals or anything, im pretty handy with a pen so would be more than happy to help.

edit: also, a bit OT, but i hear congratulations are in order?
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We will need to work on the jumps at least one Saturday / Sunday a month at first for it to work. Yep im in

We also need someone with art skills to draw a decent plan of how the finished area should look, the more pro the better. No i have no artistic skill

We need people who can present themselves to council without looking like unwashed, uneducated dolts.
Probably not
We need people who can swing shovels and build and shape jumps. I can swing and build but im not to good at shaping

We need people who can get their mates keen to help out at doing something awesome. yep i can get heaps of people in

Matt Gavin
0401 728 436 (outside school hours please)
Merci Bravo, wish i learnt Proper French and all now

Onya Crew,

Many hands make light work, funding with OUT Corporate support????/liason with the B.C.C. is impossible in 2007????
Promise I'll get online more often to help the common cure, more cleaner safer, funner, bigger??? and reliable jumps.
Yes we need a wall ride and better flow for all rider requirments, re alignment Yes also (Funding???) but please always remember liability and up keep, to reduce insurance costs to the B.C.C. ( I guess???)

Looks as if 05/05/07 is an ideal date to get the Brisbane Bike Crew(under guise of DRCC) together to set up an initial jump/trail care crew for our much loved Blue Nurses.

If You would like to set up and be part of the proposed DRCC/Ashgrove Blue Nurses Jump/Trail care crew (BIT of A mouthfull?)Cmon Andy L (PR) it up pls!!!
Lets chat more, and set up a New Age MTB ing form of structure please ASAP, you no who I am when and where, Go Ashy crew @ Tredbo Yeah!!
P.S. Amazing what productivity can be attaned with smooth operations!!!!EH
Gf Sliding OUT, PS #2 Cya @ brooky ( for DRCC build TIMES contact Ashy Shop 33660379 or build miester Joe Joe Jnr 0422948338).


Ok form the positive response recieved out of Ruckus Lord's thread and interest shown By Gavin Finlay from Ashgrove cycles and Oppy I think it's time to make progress towards the repair/change of the ashgrove Blue nurses jumps. I'm going to propose that we as a collective group of riders form a trail and jump discussion/work comittee. This will involve all of us sitting down together to decide on the direction in which we believe the jumps be Designed, Built and Maintained.

I will be liaising with Gav and we hopefully will be able to set a date for everyone to get together and discuss what needs to be done, who will be involved and have a realistic idea about what we will be able to achieve. Already we have many fantastic idea's posted on the previous thread. I need everyone who is serious about getting involved to come along and bring their Idea's. I'm going to suggest that we include the Adelade dirt jump park as an example to show the councill representative who will be aproving or denying the proposal, that it has been done before with great success.

Now we have to be realistic about what we plan on submitting. The safer the better. There is very little chance of getting 25ft doubles built by the councill. So I would suggest smaller, table top type jumps preferably with a 10-15 foot take off to landing, transfer lines, hips and maybee a berm or two. I would like to see the majority of the land available used. Ryan also suggests a wall ride(thats a tops Idea) and anything else you wish to add bring along to the discussion group.

The discussion group will be for anyone who wants to do some work, bring some Idea's or simply come along to support and find out what we plan on getting together. A date will hopefully be set in the near future and we can do something about getting some decent jumps in our area. Please support this group as the more people we show to have an interest, the more chance we will be able to have something done.

I would also like to take this opportunity to apologise to Gav Finlay and Ashgrove Cycles for inappropriate discussions and misdirected frustrations towards him by myself and others, as he has put in more effort towards the jumps than anyone else and has put more into the local riding community than anyone cares to notice. All of this dispite any of our overly boistrous internet forum based opinions. We all still love you Gav. This is a mountain biking community, lets keep it that way and work together people.

More info as it comes to hand.

Cheers, Matt ;)[/QUOTE]
I'm definatly in:
Sam Adamas 0404167880.

Palindronic name, you're cool in my books :D

Mugger - There are about 10 million options for putting a pump track in as there's so much free space to utilise at the moment. If it's built properly and blue grooved / black lined afterwards it will require very little maintenance in the long term as there's no jumping and no need to use brakes on a properly constructed one, the biggest concern would be proper drainage if it ever rains again.

I'm willing to do the writing of various stuff, plenty of experience in that department but I'd definitely welcome any help.

I'm so lacking in artistic ability that I actually make other people less artistic by being in my vicinity. I've got a mate who does ID for Colony BMX who's a dab hand with a pen and pad and a mad dirt jumper to boot, I shall hit him up in the next few days to provide us with pretty pictures.

A shade structure is a definite must in the long term, but will have to be something indestructible and non-flammable as the BCC has a bit of a phobia about what bike-riding kiddies might do if anything damageable was built in the vicinity.
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I'm so lacking in artistic ability that I actually make other people less artistic by being in my vicinity. I've got a mate who does ID for Colony BMX who's a dab hand with a pen and pad and a mad dirt jumper to boot, I shall hit him up in the next few days to provide us with pretty pictures.

I'm not too bad with the old pen and paper y'know.
How to move things forward

Ok a few things for you guys.

I see there are two main issues here:

1 Maintanence. People want to do some work to the jumps to make them have more lip so they can go bigger higher etc.

2 Redevelopment. We have a great area designated for DJ and riding in general as council calls it a "Youth Space" however it is not utilised to it's full potential.

Redeveloping the area will take time and money. I gather redevelopment is what everybody wants? Exactly what it is developed to will be something we can thrash out later.

Gav rang me about having a working bee at Ashgrove on Saturday May 5th. I think this would be a good opportunity to meet up and talk about the area and if I can get permission do some touch-up work to the jumps. If we can do some work it would be minor maintanence with the view of establishing regular maintanence of the area through the D'Aguilar Range Cycle Club becoming an inducted Trail Care Group.

I would also like to clarify that the jumps are not actually my responsibility they are managed by are "Open Space Parks" area I work in "Natural Area" parks ie Mt Coot-tha. The bush directly behind the jumps is managed as part of Mt Coot-tha hence my involvment in this (and of course my interest in riding my bike). I will need to liase internally with our open space parks people to help make this happen.

The Ashgorve Shop and D'Aguilar Club have an established relationship with the council as well as a good relationship with the local councillor. The club also has been around for a long time so there is credibility in an approach from the club. The council would want to see some committment in the longer term if they are going to spend money on a rebuild not just a couple of "kids" (as they may see it) who are asking for something then are just going to move onto something else in a couple of months.

In regard to putting up a shelter it is not so much the people who are riding the bikes that wreck them it's usually the 'hangers on" who sit there and never ride. It's a fact that parks can and do attrack "undesirables" after dark and after hours. This is not something we as riders want.


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A shade structure is a definite must in the long term, but will have to be something indestructible and non-flammable as the BCC has a bit of a phobia about what bike-riding kiddies might do if anything damageable was built in the vicinity.

And quite rightly as of saturday! I turned up around lunchtime-ish to see clouds of smoke coming from the jumps and a few kids riding off into the forestry behind the jumps. They had set fire to the mulch on the side of all the jumps. Me and i few others that were there did our best to put it out, then i went for a bit of a ride, then went off to get a feed, only to return to two police officers taking down everyone's details (including mine due my perfectly timed return). So i'm assuming there is now a nice police report filed about the degenerate youth that frequent the blue nurses jumps. A big thanks to whoever did it!
yeah, thats not uncommon down there.
*badword* some people need some sense knocked into them.
Im down there every now and then so ill check this thread for a date when I can bring my shovel down and help the rebuild :)
Oh and I forgot to mention that I am more than willing to help out. I can't do much in the of design etc because i wouldn't have a clue. But i'm happy to push wheelbarrows and dig...