Recent content by atmo

  1. atmo

    Computers... damnit

    It's probably hidden/protected files & folders. Open explorer. Go to tools > folder options > view tab. Select 'show hidden files & folders' and untick 'hide protected operating system files'. As for why the space isnt freeing up as you delete files, you're most likely just moving them to...
  2. atmo

    Back up you files/photos tonight. Unless you're stupid enough to open random email attachments, you wont be infected. It is a good idea to keep a seperate backup copy of anything you cant afford to lose though, but backup regularly, not just when someone...
  3. atmo

    Damn popups, doing my head in.....HELP

    Try this: If you're still having problems after running that, spybot and adaware, it's time to cut your losses, backup, format and reinstall. While it's probably not impossible to remove, there's a good chance...
  4. atmo

    Windows Movie Maker trouble...

    This might be worth a shot: If it's still giving you problems, it may be due to a filter or codec being used. Check the faq here:
  5. atmo

    Windows Movie Maker trouble...

    Start > control panel > administrative tools > event viewer > application. Look for an application error at the time movie maker crashed. If there is an entry, double click on it and see if it gives any details.
  6. atmo

    experimental milkshakes/sandwhiches

    My post ride/workout shake: 1 tablespoon chocolate protein powder 1 tablespoon milo 1 tablespoon Nuvit LSA (linseed, sunflour, almond) mix 1 crushed multivitamin 1/2 cup oats 250ml up & go (choc ice flavor) 250ml skim milk 1 banana Nutritious, and it tastes damn nice.
  7. atmo

    computer stuff.... again

    The Aopen site doesnt specify which modules are compatible and there doesnt appear to be a manual for download. Other boards with the same SIS 760GX chipset do support PC1600/2100/2700 & PC3200, so i assume there wont be any problems.
  8. atmo

    computer stuff.... again

    Which Aopen motherboard (model name/number)? It's manual should specify which types of memory are compatible, but if you're still unsure, let us know which model it is and someone will be able to look it up.
  9. atmo

    MP3 player advice wanted

    I bought a Zen Touch 20gb for $350 a few months ago. They seem to be being phased out at the moment, so you may be able to pick one up cheaper now. Battery life is excellent, sound quality is very good and navigation is just as easy as the ipod. File transfer speed is on par with similar...
  10. atmo

    Comp probs(upgrading Ram)

    Whatever you do, do not remove the screws i've circled. There's also a fourth screw in the top left corner, but it's difficult to make out from that photo. Those 4 screws hold the power supply in place. Removing them will quite possibly cause the psu to drop and damage whatever it hits...
  11. atmo

    help needed desperatly for operation

    You'd be surprised just how many things are considered to be elective. I'm currently waiting for an operation to have my gall bladder removed (it's been two months since it was diagnosed) and despite being sick a lot of the time and having attacks (severe pain) that have resulted in 5 trips...
  12. atmo

    Hostile Riding Systems Popup.

    Try this: It runs using an ActiveX applet, so you dont need to install anything. If you can download & run executables, this might also work:
  13. atmo

    Some Farkin Help...(practice thread for people trying out applications)

    Sorry, i mixed up the link & text part. It should look like this: [URL=]some silly man[/URL] Which gives: some silly man
  14. atmo

    Some Farkin Help...(practice thread for people trying out applications)

    Copy & paste this code: [URL=text]link[/URL] Replace "text" with what you want the link to say. Replace "link" with the link to the page you want to go to. Alternately, use the create link tool (this button: ) in the vB code tools section when you post/edit your signature etc.
  15. atmo

    Dont know how to say it

    It's a cache problem. If you're using IE, go to Tools > internet options > general tab > temporary internet files section > settings. If "check for newer versions of stored pages" is set to "never" or "every time you start internet explorer" try changing it to "automatic" or "every visit to the...