Recent content by base rider

  1. B


    is it just me that has it freezing at around 12/13 secs when it changes to a view from directly at the bottom of the steps? the sound keeps going but the image stops
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    URI Stair Gap

    it could do with a soundtrack if you know how to put one on, and you could have possible made it a little better quality so that its was 2 or 3 meg. and that road gap looks pretty good
  3. B


    didnt even realise it was a trailer
  4. B

    my new 661 full face

    which is better overall, bravo or comp?
  5. B


    i dont run a giro, just a long piece of outer to the rear brake, singlespeed and when i do get a front brake im gonna route it through the steerer with a hollow bolt
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    Chain guides

    if you dont have problems with your chain coming off - there is no point in getting a chain device. if you do need a chain device but still want 2 rings, blackspire and i think evil and mrp do a device that works with double front ring
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    Trafalgar 4X Champs October 5th

    cheers mate, know anywhere i can DL it as mp3?
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    Trafalgar 4X Champs October 5th

    no, i meant what soundtrack, as in song music
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    Trafalgar 4X Champs October 5th

    what tracks that man?
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    funny funny stuff, my camera dies

    that really was pretty dumb
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    Sick Trials Vid.....OF MEEE :D

    nice work on the bike racks mate!
  12. B

    crazy or not? stair gap we got lined up!

    why not roll down the first two sets and jump off the top of the 3rd and long on the last?
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    Trafalgar 4X Champs October 5th

    real time!
  14. B


    good vid, although i really dont like the way all the clips stop before he has landed or whatever, i prefer to see the full move
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    Natural High

    look pretty gay to me to be honest, but that thing on the bridge was ace!