Recent content by GIANTmtbGUY

  1. GIANTmtbGUY

    glory, stab or ecd

    I'm with caddy Yer, I'm with caddy on that. Bottom out. Pft. If you have the shock setup properly and you have adequate bottom out resistance and enough pressure it should be fine. I bottom out my glory only when it takes a square hit like casing on something. 8.8" inches of travel on the back...
  2. GIANTmtbGUY

    glory, stab or ecd

    Go the glory Hey mate, I own a glory. It is an 09 dh0. Not sure what he means by bottoms out over big rocks. Could mean that the bottom bracket is lower? I have notice that you have to try to unweight if there is something that you may not make (say like a big rock on a steep decent)...
  3. GIANTmtbGUY

    eatons sesh

    ... very bloody nice. i love them, happy now fabian. hahahaha
  4. GIANTmtbGUY

    You Yangs MTB Park

    ... i cant wait to get a car, as soon as i do im there, bit hard to get your parents to take you to the other side of the bay. sorry, in a year and a half. ill be there.
  5. GIANTmtbGUY

    The stupid questions thread.

    hmm's Which is worse, failing or never trying? If not now, then when? There are 45 apples. If you pick up 3 apples, how many apples are there? There are two clocks of different colors: the red clock is broken and doesn't run at all, but the blue clock loses one second every 24 hours...
  6. GIANTmtbGUY

    The stupid questions thread.

    ha wait which witch is wearing which wrist watch, do you know if one of the whiches wrist watches has the wrong time.
  7. GIANTmtbGUY

    The stupid questions thread.

    this is what i was meant to do see, this is the idea
  8. GIANTmtbGUY

    The stupid questions thread.

    brail. you dont, thats what a pen is for. but if you want it is like this .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . ..
  9. GIANTmtbGUY

    The stupid questions thread.

    ok fair enough
  10. GIANTmtbGUY

    The stupid questions thread.

    ha like me hitting a tree and going trough it, it never happens, trust me. iv tried, multiple times.
  11. GIANTmtbGUY

    The stupid questions thread.

    hahahaha Love the blow in a dogs face one. Pissed me up. here is one, "what happens when an unstoppable (sp) object hits an immovable object"?
  12. GIANTmtbGUY

    Last Purchases.

    what i bought plasti dip for the grip sport carrier, and the carrier its self.
  13. GIANTmtbGUY

    gripsport saint adapter

    sorry yer i followed your link, thats perfect, just what i needed.
  14. GIANTmtbGUY

    gripsport saint adapter

    plastidip and where would i be able to buy some of this plastidip stuff. any help
  15. GIANTmtbGUY

    gripsport saint adapter

    the adapter i did try it without the adapter and yes, it was too small, my crank didnt fit. i have a plan to get some rubber in there to stop movement (and scratches ).