Recent content by jock180

  1. J

    leaking forks

    it is a fair bit of oil... when i relised it.. it had dribbled all the way from the forks past my crank and down to the rear wheel (all the way along the frame). it leaked out of the very top of the crown... not out of the seals.
  2. J

    leaking forks

    i allways hang my bike up on a hook by the front wheel (so that it is verticle, like on the blue mountains trains) when i am not using it. i came home today to find that the forks had leaked fluid out of the top of the crowns. i have manuto stance (single crown, realy cheap/crap forks)...
  3. J

    Caught by council rangers building a trail

    one of my mates tracks was found by the rangers but he was lucky. he only got a warning. i thiink the fine was meant to be about $1300. depend on how strict the rangers are
  4. J


    yeah i have allways wondered that myself. can they catch you (physsicle with force) or cant they tuch you and there for you can ride away.
  5. J

    size of jumps.

    stick a crate or something under it all. that should boost the size up a fair bit. then put some clay nd dirt over the top to make it safer.
  6. J

    Drop distance/trialing drops

    just get one of your mates to do it first. that way they stack instead of you. na i aggree, you should build the landing up to the jump that was you can get more air the more confident you get (you dont have to get it right the first time)
  7. J

    kinda wierd situation

    if you talk to them then they will probably try and bust ya. you should just cover it with sticks and whatever you can find to make life harder for them. just as pay back.
  8. J

    new katoomba track?

    where abouts is it? i would mind checking it out next time im up there. if the greenies are keeping an eye on it than you got no chance on getting a MTB track there.
  9. J

    Force distribution...

    try to have more than one nail in each joint. this will reduce the shee stresses and reduce the chance of the nail snaping. also simple things like the supports being triangles. wood works better if it is in trensin (being stretched) rather than compression (being compressed).
  10. J

    Dealing with a sandy slope

    it might sound dumb but you can put old carpet over it. like they do on home made 4X tracks. this will hold the sand in place and stop you sliding as much.
  11. J

    Slick Tyres

    what kind of bike do you have? the type of bike will also determine what type of tyres out get.
  12. J

    The Downhill Fork Round Up

    thanks mate there was a heaps of good info there. but do you have anything a little cheaper... for all the povo people like me
  13. J

    Is music today sh*t?

    i aggree with you that there is a lot of mainstreem music and that most musicians are starting to conform, they make their music to suit society and to get the most ratings, instead they should make their own music... who cares if there isnt that many people that like it. but at the same time...
  14. J

    Learning another language - tips?

    the problem when learning from a book is that its hard to learn the prenounceation. like when i was in china there were heaps of words that had like five different meanings, each with a slightly different pronounciation. its best to learn by ear. practice conversations with people that you know...
  15. J

    Are you anti American and why ????

    im not anti-american im anti bush i recon that guy has no real idea about the rest of the wordl. he stuck in his cave. but then again the impression i get of the bloke is filtered by the media. so its basicly the midea that doesnt like they guy and i end up following them.