Recent content by Smokey McPot

  1. S

    A few random shots

  2. S

    MTB pain

    he prolly wouldnt have gotted owned if he didnt bale, maybe just slip out a little.
  3. S

    quick dirt jump, and cracked frame

    got a helmet? :P
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    I PM'd you for some pics and other info
  5. S

    rimba pics 6/8/06

    wearin d2 razor and ridin stinky supreme
  6. S

    Photoshop play.

    thats pretty cool. did u edit with someone already jumpin that set, or was it empty and you just added yourself in?
  7. S

    rimba pics 6/8/06

    nah little man thats not me. If you havent got any more dont worry about it. thanks anyways
  8. S

    rimba pics 6/8/06

    hey have if you got any of rider 205 with grey and black troy lee gear id really appreciate it? Thnx
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    Mt Ainslie-half way track

    nice pics looks like a great track. that 3rd last pic is mad!
  10. S

    Lithgow State Round and ourimbah 56kdeath 400+pics

    y does the post title say lithgow & orhimba, i can only see pic's from Lithgow?!
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    Coughs Harbour

    Hey all, i was just wondering if anyone knew when abouts coughs harbour state round was on (i.e. dates for the races). Thnks!
  12. S

    HMBA Club Round 5 - Now with results

    thanks for that it was a great race, even though not many attended, but well run and smooth. great work!
  13. S

    5ft drop

    Dunlop volley's while riding is a death trap! enough said
  14. S

    From Manual to crash

    yeah it works for me now mate, thnx. Hahaha that was a nuts faceplant!
  15. S

    My cleaning lady (Hausmeister)

    how much does a golden lama cost exactly? P.S nice bike nicho, cant wait for my wheels to finally come