Recent content by sns

  1. sns

    Numb Hands

    I agree with the posts above. I too suffer from numb hands after about an hour. I found the biggest issue was having bent wrists, especially after riding for extended periods and getting tired, you would relax your stance and bend your wrists more. I rolled my brake and gear levers further...
  2. sns

    Shipping frame from USA to AU cheaply

    I recommend also. I've got a few items shipped over from the states. (Not a frame though).
  3. sns


    Have you tried adjusting your seat height, position or even a different seat? I was having the same problem but after some tweaking of my seat it mostly went away. I recently picked up a new seat and did a four hour ride on the weekend and no numbness what so ever.
  4. sns

    Cannondale Lefty

    I've had two bikes with Lefty's and my brother in law has one too. I would highly recommend it. I've never had a problem with mine ("touch wood") but I know my brother had to get his rebuilt. I love the stiff lockout compared to other front forks. Hope that helps.
  5. sns

    6 Week Weightloss/Fitness Challenge

    I'll give it a go. Need to get in shape before the 24hr Weight - 92kg Goal - 85kg Week 0 - 22/9/09 - 92kg Week 1 - 29/9/09 - 90kg Week 2 - 6/10/09 Week 3 - 13/10/09 Week 4 - 20/10/09 week 5 - 29/10/09 Week 6 - 3/11/09