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  1. Pastavore

    Off-Topic Means Non-MTB, Not Crap

    I make no apology for being serious about intolerance. It is extremely important to not leave such rubbish unchallenged.
  2. Pastavore

    Off-Topic Means Non-MTB, Not Crap

    Why the fuck are you posting this shit??? And hiding it in (most ironically) the "off topic means Non-MTB, Not Crap" section?? If you want to talk about MTBing, great!! If you want to post antisemitic conspiratorial nonsense and display your ignorance and intolerance for all to see...
  3. Pastavore

    The fixer thread

    Are you the sock puppet of a Fat Boy, KNuckles? Templestowe is not my neck of the woods, sorry.
  4. Pastavore

    The fixer thread

    Melbourne is a big place, Fat Boy. Can you narrow it down a little? If it's local may be able to help, depends how much of a hurry you are in.
  5. Pastavore

    Speeding is bad, mmkay?

    Just so you don't feel completely alone Plankman, on this, I agree with you entirely.
  6. Pastavore

    Speeding is bad, mmkay?

    Seriously? If you think 130 is in any way acceptable, you need your licence taken away permanently.
  7. Pastavore

    Speeding is bad, mmkay?

    I definitely see your point of view Plankman, and I used to do a similar thing. I still get immensely pissed off with people who use the roads as a racetrack, think they are more important than the rest of us, or just have a blatant disregard for the safety of others. BUT, and it's a big but...
  8. Pastavore

    Old and angry: what pisses you off? The rants of ANGRY old men and women!

    I'm with you MWI. And I will decide when I am far enough past to move back into the left lane, you arrogant tailgating fucknuckle.
  9. Pastavore

    Pub Trivia - AKA things that may be beyond the scope of Moorey’s knowledge

    Trans Australia Airways or Airlines.
  10. Pastavore

    Pub Trivia - AKA things that may be beyond the scope of Moorey’s knowledge

    We use a similar nomenclature when making love. T1 for initial insertion T2 for approaching orgasm OF for when the little white pony comes trotting over the hill. Current record is T1 to OF in 2:35.
  11. Pastavore

    Pub Trivia - AKA things that may be beyond the scope of Moorey’s knowledge

    Ok, name an Australian who won a stage of the giro this year.
  12. Pastavore

    Pub Trivia - AKA things that may be beyond the scope of Moorey’s knowledge

    Sorry, all I heard was "pocket protector, square root of the tangent =...........ow, not another wedgie"
  13. Pastavore

    Pub Trivia - AKA things that may be beyond the scope of Moorey’s knowledge

    An inanimate rod. Part 2 of your question I got no idea.
  14. Pastavore

    Little Things You Hate

    You could, you know, just ride by yourself.