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  1. extreme_ride

    single speed conversion

    Hey n00b, I've told you how much it will cost already asking people on the net won't be any deifferent, especially when someone asks about how much it will cost almost everyday.
  2. extreme_ride

    machu picchu

    Is that the picture on the back wall of our BP class it looks like a really nice place to visit we can both visit it when we're rich haha:p
  3. extreme_ride

    Orthotics in MTB shoes

    I have althotics and them to school and most of time riding but your supposed to wear them as often and frequent as you can. As for shoes make sure there a tight fit( as in your heel doesnt slide up and down ) and you should be fine
  4. extreme_ride

    Disc or V brake??

    are thouse prices each or for the 2 because im thinking about getting v- brakes
  5. extreme_ride

    Avid Codes?

    Thats where it came from
  6. extreme_ride

    Avanti derlikt 06 model

    there pretty quality parts for the price but the frame is very ugly in my opinion
  7. extreme_ride

    Things you do whilst your drunk

    My first real party I went round putting random objects in random things like orange in toaster and stuff like that they only found out following morning when someone had a hot milo. My freind tried to use his piss as hair gel tried to do a front flip of a trampaline onto ground and landed...
  8. extreme_ride

    Glasshouse Axed

    Glass house was one of my favourite shows though i do agree the scripted jokes are a bit lame but there discussions were hilarious I will miss that show madly. Only a couple of episodes ago they were talking about how labour was complaining that they were picking on them to much and should pick...
  9. extreme_ride

    axle whitehead exposed

    found this pretty funny did anyone actual see this live or on tv unfortuneatly I was watching another channel at the same time heres another article on it I...
  10. extreme_ride

    B-Hive Session 56k killer!

    Nice jumps and jumping, how old are most of you guys
  11. extreme_ride

    Battlefield 2

    BF2 is awesome unfortuneatly I can only play single player due to dial up
  12. extreme_ride

    STP Zero

    Im pretty sure the konas the same price as the stp 0 all have similar spec Yer kona cowan is awesome, In townsville where Im at theres a 2006 kona for $1965 and a 2005 one for $1400 I dont know about the spec on the 05 one but the 06 is awesome
  13. extreme_ride

    "Its the rider not the bike"

    I'd say having a new bike/parts does make you ride harder because you have more confidence in your parts but on the other hand my freind could does jumps and drops on a g.t avalanche 3.0 that I wouldnt do. It all depends on your confidence bar things like racing downhill on a rigid or xc on a...
  14. extreme_ride


    Looks like a sweet ramp.. was it ralatively simple to build because Im thinking of building one for river jumping and how much does it cost roughly for the wood
  15. extreme_ride


    haha...I better start taking my own advice and learn some tricks
  16. extreme_ride


    Yer just what other people have said do some variations like one-hander, one-footer or one-handed t-up you can then build up to no footers, no handers x-ups and variations of those. I good way to learn x-up is do it while your wheelieing and get used to the feeling . no- footers get doing 1...
  17. extreme_ride

    American Chopper

    What is it all about a second hand store around the corner from my house has some cheap
  18. extreme_ride

    How much would you pay???

    how much are those forks worth brand new and would they be suitible to put on a hardtail
  19. extreme_ride

    Server swap/upgrade

    When I saw farkin wasn't working I didn't know what to do I was lost, so good it's back up
  20. extreme_ride

    Mountain bike education

    Sounds as fun as sex ed I wish our school had subjects like that imagine "extreme sports" as a subject