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  1. 3viltoast3r

    NSW Sold 2009 Giant Reign X

    Sorry, long gone. Will mark as sold.
  2. 3viltoast3r

    NSW Sold 2009 Giant Reign X

    Your right, it's a Large.
  3. 3viltoast3r

    NSW Sold 2009 Giant Reign X

    Item: 2009 Giant Reign X Location: Newcastle, NSW Item Condition: Needs a service, drive train is a little long in the tooth, forks have some marks up high. Reason for selling: Not being ridden, occasional milk run Price and price conditions: $700 ONO Extra Info: I built this bike from parts...
  4. 3viltoast3r

    Rock Climbing

    Not just that, but be careful of all climbing equipment - especially other peoples gear. That rope your buddy brings might actually be his dads from 10 years ago.. Likewise he might store it in his car boot with his spare battery rolling around. Ask lots of questions, look at what your buddy is...
  5. 3viltoast3r

    School me on electric cars and batteries. and greener energy production.

    AFAIK the limitation with electric vehicles is the compromise between range, battery cost and cycles. We have good batteries, that can get decent range (100-200 km), with 2000+ cycle count, but they will set you back (best case scenario) 5-10 grand. So with a cycle every two days you are...
  6. 3viltoast3r

    Little Things You Hate

    It's a satire news site, have a look at the main page..
  7. 3viltoast3r

    The gaming thread

    You should be able to do a fairly solid build for <$1500 including a monitor. An i5/970 is fine for gaming.
  8. 3viltoast3r

    What T.V Series to watch whilst waiting for Walking Dead to resume?

    Try the first season of the Brittish show 'Utopia'. Second season was a bit meh, dont waste your time on that..
  9. 3viltoast3r

    Digital storage options

    Hard drives at home won't save you from a) floods/fires/acts of god. b) HDD and power supply failure c) Grid surges/blackouts d) Pets and kids. If you have the time and patience, you can always host your own 'dropbox' using your own virtual private server,(Amazon have a free 1 year solution) but...
  10. 3viltoast3r

    Is there anything more useless than...?

    Ouch! Not going to lie, that one hit hard.
  11. 3viltoast3r

    The stupid questions thread.

    It doesn't look particuarly easy, not a lot of space to work and have to remove an engine mount to get the belt off.. Any ideas on how much it would be for a mechanic to do it? I dont really have a lot of time to waste.. EDIT: Should probably say, the mechanic said replace them soon
  12. 3viltoast3r

    The stupid questions thread.

    I have a 1996 Honda Civic, and I am looking it driving at 3000km next week. The car has 205 on the clock. It's been serviced mostly up to date. Last week I got the timing belt changed, and the mechanic noted that 'All drive belts need replacing' (why in hell he didn't replace them why he was...
  13. 3viltoast3r

    The stupid questions thread.

    Might not help you now, but in future try using Lyx or Latex. It's a bit of a learning curve but for correctly and quickly formatting it makes life good.
  14. 3viltoast3r

    Kids laptop advice

    Dell refurbished - I picked up one for half it's RRP (in your price range) with a few fingerprints on it.
  15. 3viltoast3r

    Invasion of privacy

    I have Privacy Guard installed (as part of Cyanogenmod) - Great for denying access of facebook to contacts list etc
  16. 3viltoast3r

    What T.V Series to watch whilst waiting for Walking Dead to resume?

    Breaking bad? Hasnt been mentioned yet! Should keep you going for a while.. On a similar note, I will mention Fargo (2nd in this thread), mostly for emphasis.
  17. 3viltoast3r

    Little Things You Hate

    Minimum EFTPOS. Fuckers!
  18. 3viltoast3r

    Little Things You Love (safe for work)
  19. 3viltoast3r

    The gaming thread Batman Arkam Origins for $9Far cry 3 for $9,Kerbal Space program for $16Tomb Raider $7.50..and moreIf you haven't played these games, you are really missing out! And some of the proceeds go to charity too.
  20. 3viltoast3r

    The gaming thread

    Kerbal Space Program is awesome, good fun if you haven't played it! Strangely addictive too!Also struggling to finish the latest Bioshock Infinite DLC, not sure why but I haven't got the motivation for it..