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  1. D

    avid juicy 5 problem

    I bought a brand new dh 1 with avid juicy 5 brakes on both front and back. They were very unpredictable with how much leaverage they had on them. One minute they would only need to be pulled a little way for maximum power to be applied. Then, i would go around a corner or off a kicker and they...
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    Glory DH 1 rear suspension bottom out

    I have a Glory DH 1. It's an awsome bike but when my rear suspenssion bottomed out, my tyre hits my seat. My seat used to be the lowest it can go and the seat pole held it right in the middle. I have now moved my seat up to avoid this but I was just wondering if anyone else had encountered the...
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    Bike trailor

    I am buying a trailer to take my bikes in when I go riding. Has anyone got any ideas or know of any good sites that tell you how to make your trailer able to put bikes in without them getting scratched or damaged for transport?
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    bike sizing

    Hey everyone. I am looking at buying a second hand duel suspension d/h mountain bike. The bike is size large and I am around 5 foot 7 inches or 172cm. However I have not been able to size myself up with the bike. Would you think that this bike would be too large for me to ride it properly? The...