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  1. Magura

    The skunk factory....

    Time to get this stuff out of the fashion bike thread. This thread actually started here: To continue where it stopped..... Thanks for the flowers ;) Calling this stuff inventions, is maybe a...
  2. Magura

    Factory Intense-Kawasaki M1

    Hey boys and girls, I guess it's time to post a pic of my ride. It's a 98' Intense - Kawasaki M1, from the factory team. Quite a few details makes it differ from the retail version, among other things, a hefty degree of adjust-ability. It was my dream bike back then, so now I had the...
  3. Magura

    DIY bike parts anyone??

    As the topic says, does any of you make your own bikes or parts? Asking cause I have done so a lot in the past, and still make an occasional hub or whatever I need and either can make better myself, or simply can't buy. Lately I've been contemplating the option of making carbon disc...
  4. Magura

    Shaun Palmers bikes on Ebay

    Seen this: This is the time for that Palmer trophy bike you've always wanted:cool: Note: I have no relation to the seller (but I kinda...