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    Helmet laws again - looks like there's now a legal precedent

    I think that if you are on a bike then wearing a helmet makes sense. Even though it is still a legal requirement here in Australia, I wear one because it is my choice to protect my head as much as I can. Even when I am overseas in places where helmets are not required I still wear one. Thats my...
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    Sick of getting my legs scratched/chewed up when biking

    Trying to completely avoid any scratches while mountain biking is impossible, but there are a few things you can try. For deep gouges from running flat pedals and slipping off the pedal then the only thing to protect your shins is going to be body armour, I use Dainese shin pad protectors...
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    What's your chain lube/s..?

    I've tried heaps of different ones. I really like Pro Link for chain lube. It works really well and doesn't get too clogged up. I always wipe it back after applying it so it stays nice and smooth. Perfect for drier rides. I find the waxy lubes annoying and gluggy. The only waxy based one I've...
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    [R]evolution Issue 20 - Out Now

    That cover looks SO GOOD!!! :)
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    Downhill vs Freeride vs Justride

    I think it is way cooler when types of bike riders all get along. It is ridiculous when roadies get all snobby about some other riders because of the kit they are running. As long as there is air in the tires we should just ride and have fun.
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    Is it Time for a new Helmet?

    You definitely need to err more on the side of caution when you are wondering about the safety of your helmet. That is one piece of equipment that you can not afford to be sloppy about. I hope you replaced it or gave it a really good check over!!
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    Clipless or flats?

    I use both clipless and flats for DH. It depends where I am riding. There are benefits to both. For XC or AM then clipless always.
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    Getting your head into mountain biking

    Yeah all good ideas, just keep it fun for her and never give her a hard time about anything. The more confidence she has riding the more fun she will have and then the more her confidence will grow again. Going out to fun flowing trails is really good, without too much climbing or rough...
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    DH etiquette

    DH etiquette is important, keeps riding so much more fun! Looking out for each other always pays off for everyone.
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    Hardtail or Dually

    Both! Hardtails are great to learn on and duallies are super fun in the rougher stuff.