Search results

  1. beefrocket

    I found a trip computer at dirtworks

    As the title says i found a trip computer on the trail at dirtworks on the weekend. If you think it is yours PM me.
  2. beefrocket

    BMX brakes

    Hey guys, i was hoping to get some information on BMX brakes (high end bikes, not your little brothers). Why do most (all?) have only a rear brake? Has there been much of a take up of disc brakes on BMX's? What do most BMX's have? Cable and caliper type brakes? Do you have a prefered...
  3. beefrocket

    Riding in the USA

    Does anyone know of any mountain bike parks / developed mountain bike areas in the US for over their winter? Somewhere that has decent hire and either downhill or good single track XC.
  4. beefrocket

    Frame and fork only?

    Does anyone know if you can buy giants ocr and tcr road bikes as frame and fork only?