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  1. R

    Mongoose Fuzz Pro

    Well I got my new steed, to kick my ass back into riding mode :) Thought I might post it up here seeing theres been a few BMX's posted lately. Been looking around for something top of the range complete bike. I would very much like a Standard STA built with custom top of the line parts (who...
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    Belgium Trails Scene

    Haven't posted in ages but I was just searching around for some BMX footage to perhaps rekindle my love affair of motorless 2 wheeled contraptions after getting a moto and crashing... and breaking bones n stuff :S Anyway I came across this awesome vid from Belgium...
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    Vid Codec Question

    What codec and settings do you guys use to encode your vids, I can't seem to get any decent settings that will give me nice clear video thats not a million megs big... Everytime I encode using divx5.11 through Adobe Premiere it comes out all craptastic.
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    Some secret QLD trails + park shots

    Went out riding today, dragged the cam along and took a few snaps of my mates. I always seem to miss out on the pics cause its my cam and I'm usually the one using it... have to get some next time. Anyhow on with the pics! Heres some trails I have been sworn to secrecy about...
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    Profile Cranks BB Removal

    I've managed to break 1 or both of my sealed bearing in my profiles, they make a tasty crunch/crack sound every few cranks. The crank arms and spindle are easy enough to get out but I cannot remember how to get the bearings out of the bottom bracket cups. I've done it once before but that...
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    Clint Miller - Canadian Nosepicks vid

    Heres a vid of one of his runs in the fairfield bowl: ~6.5 meg
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    Clint Miller at the local skatepark!

    Clint Miller came down to our crappy lil local skatepark today for a photoshoot in the bowl. If you dont know who he is, he's a rather freaken good BMX rider who rides for WeThePeople. I had the digicam down there and took a few snaps, this one came out alrighty. I beleive its a canadian...
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    Brisbane River Corso DJs

    Anyone been down there lately? A friend and I headed down there today cause the skatepark was infested with 5 billion skaters... Hadn't been down there in probably over a year and damn!.. Virtually all the lips are gone and the jumps are washing away tyres/drums/concrete chunks are poking out...
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    Some BMX park pics

    Started learning to ride park and got some pics of myself and my crazy friend :) Hes riding there with a fractured bone in his foot, hes nuts! Me after just learning tyre tap stalls. Bad shot, but mid 360. Now some of my nutter friend :) 270 hip transfer Attempted 360...
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    KOD DJ Pictures

    I scanned a few pics of the latest King Of Dirt comp thats held in america to show a friend cause I haven't checked out the US dirt scene for a while and am totally blown away at the size and calibre of insane tricks those guys are now busting out. Thought you guys might be interested in a look...
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    Ghetto Vid

    Just happened to have a digicam on hand and we discovered it took 3 sec vid caps, so we took it along for a bit of a street session around my suburb (Moorooka). Its just me (gold bike) and Loki (red bike) riding in it. Its pretty crap, but theres some funny 4-5 foot drop to tree/shrub eatage...
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    ouchies my shin! :(

    Just went for spin to my local skatepark wore my pads for the entire time then we were just about to go and i took them off, loki threw down a 360 on my friends new backtrail so i thought i'd go for one last run, only made 270 and my pedal mated with my shin and i now have some tasty gashes mmmm...
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    Bicycle Cops

    Im new around here, being a BMX rider and probably a bit of a minority :) Dirt Jumping is mainly my interest so i fit in here somewhere, dont mind a bash on my friends duallie either :D Anyhoo I go to QUT and often see the bicycle cops around the place. Being a pretty competent rider I...