All the best to Pat Godin


Lives in a hole
"It was Horrible, one of the worst bike related crashes I have ever seen. It was worse then Julien's crash last year I think. It happened on the stairs of the Molson Center. 4 set of 20-25. Pat was riding really well but the energy from the ride started to get the best of people and things got a bit outta control. We tried to tell people to cool it. I even stopped filming to discourage guys from jumping but their were so many other guys with cams egging people on that it was impossible to stop the madness. Pat was already up top and when I looked up I saw him flying insanely fast through the air. He was attempting to gap both sets for the first time. I knew from the second he left that things were not right. He was slightly crooked on the stairs and flatted just after landing the second set. From there he plummeted to the ground, was knocked unconscious and slid to my feet. He never came around and just laid there lifeless until the ambulance came. It was very upsetting. We heard this morning that he was in shock and had a broken wrist. His head, neck and back were ok. This was very relieving to us all considering what we all though may have happened. Unfortunately later today we were told that he has since slipped into a coma. That is the last report I have on his condition. I really hope he has come around since then." MARC LANDRY

This happened on one of the 24 bicycles group rides in Canada recently. Apparently the impact was hard enough to blow up a wheel, and maybe even the airline can.
The point: I hope Pat gets better; riding today is getting crazy, and as tough as we are, shit like this can still happen. Take care people, and for god's sake wear a helmet!!! (Pat was, imagine if he wasn't....)