Australias Funniest Home Video Show


Likes Dirt

did anyone see me on TV last night, i was on AFHVS and won $500, nice!

i was the outback stack vid and made it to the final four on the show. it was pretty much me hitting up a big double at Dwellingup (in WA) and not making it, flailing like moron in the air and then hitting the side of the ctach ramp.

tell us if ya saw it, and what you think...


Likes Bikes and Dirt
HAHAA yeh i saw that, i didnt think it was that funny at the time seeing as its pretty common in jumping but now, ahh thats gold.

If anyone was watching a week ago and saw that kid who got his beenie ripped off by that brown horse when it was snowing, well, thats the same bloody horse that bit me :lol:


Ripe 'n ready!
GW to you bonnet, but i dont watch TV... so tell us how u're gonna spend ure pot of gold?


It's my birthday!
Nice dude, I seen it, my bad for making 2 topics on this :lol:

Good on ya dude, that was a nice stack! And 500 bucks :p!!!! Nice!


Bonnet said:
. it was pretty much me hitting up a big double at Dwellingup (in WA) and not making it, flailing like moron in the air and then hitting the side of the ctach ramp.
heheh i cleared that today :D:D:D
and well done it looked kinda painfull...


Likes Bikes and Dirt
ohhhh im gonna win 500 bucks soon, im gonna put all the stacks i film on video :lol:


look at me
i never watch that show, but that would of been mad. i ocassionaly see the shorts on the adds with bikers crashing, makes me laugh and think of myself doing the same thing manyyy times.


Likes Dirt
Fuzzy said:
heheh i cleared that today :D:D:D
and well done it looked kinda painfull...
NICE- i cant seem to get enough speed over the roots up to it.

anyway, i would post the video but the show made me sign this shit saying i wouldn't. i've already spent the money, $150 on a traffic infringment (dont run red lights kiddies) and $100 on some speakers for my car, the other $250 i gave to my mate who was filming it.

the v/o was
"the most dangerous thin gin the asussie bush is no the brown snake, but the BMX jump---whoop---boing----canned laughter)"

what pisses me off was they called it a BMX jump, but i dont mind, at $100/sec its ok

edit- this is the jump

this is the stack


It's my birthday!
Mate, that jump is super ultra steep! Not much of a lip there hey! Nice try. Huge Gap there.

Congrats again.


Likes Dirt
Ride_Guy said:
Well for those who havnt seen it could it be posted up??
bonnet said:
anyway, i would post the video but the show made me sign this shit saying i wouldn't
i would, but i have posted a dodgy sequence shot of it in this thread


Likes Dirt
Fuzzy said:
bonnet said:
anyway, i would post the video but the show made me sign this shit saying i wouldn't
why is that do you know? :?
yeh, its so i cant sell it to another netowrk or show- they want to be able to use it exclusivley for theri show[/quote]