[Bris] Algester Dirt (Warning: 56K Death)


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Mostly VidCaps and two gif images, didnt know how to make the gif's smaller in filesize, they're pretty big even though their actual size is tiny?
Loki First up:

360 teaser :p - Gif of the entire thing at the bottom of the post.

360 again from in front.

Gotten pretty good at these now, barspin over same double.

No-Footed can-can over the medium/biggish set.
Was a fairly small no-footed can can but landed it easily so I went to do it again, unfortunately the take-off is steep as hell which is cool, but was out of maintenance, it half collapsed on me and resulted in me taking a huge dive and cracking my rib on the hangers on the way down :shock:

Early extension.

Already starting to hop back on at the peak - ~approx 8 feet high.

Rubba-Chikin next:
Getting him back into things slowly...



And for the Gif's.

360 and the barspin.
Sorry for how small they are for their filesize, I'll re-make em if someone can tell me how to do em properly..



Likes Dirt
not bad, where are those jumps. the pic quality is prett poor. but nonetheless still lookin good.


Likes Dirt
Do you live in one of those houses? That would be the ultimate living across the road from ya trail.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
The Gif images are sweet! :lol:
Looks like a fun place to be living close to if you do!