Busy Bee on Greenmount, 18th Oct 2009


Likes Dirt
Hi guys and galz,
I am arranging a busy bee to clean up an area on and around the new 4X trail on Sunday 18th October. I will be there around 8am and expect to get started by 9ish.
Our jobs will include:
1/ Weed destruction and some grooming of the area on and around the track.
2/ temporary repair of the Bottom section of the state XC trail after its slaughter during the rain and racing recently.
3/ Some whipper snipper action/lawn mower action on the push up/walk trails around the goatfarm.
4/ Some brainstorming put on paper from our new FREERIDERS sticking their heads up around the place. Hope to see some there. I can put our ideas to the Club and DEC and see what replies we get.

I may be able to put together a sausage sizzle later on in the day so get your busy bee hats on. :cool:

To get there? http://maps.google.com.au/maps/place?cid=13299179720702758462&q=Goatfarm,+Western+Australia&hl=en

Cheers in advance.
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