Design the 2005/2006 National Series logo


Staff member
MTBA calls for creative designers to help us place an identity on the
2005/2006 National MTB Series through the implementation of a series
logo. The logo will appear on:

1. All the number plates used at each of the National Series events.
The plates are A5 landscape format and the available space for the
series logo is 3.5 x 20.5 cm.
2. The cumulative series ranking published after each round. The
rankings are A4 portrait format and the available space is 3.5 x 20.5
3. The entry forms and associated event information. This logo can be a
compact form but must contain the same design elements and be of the
same style as the logo used for the number plates and ranking table.

The logo must:
1. Be supplied to MTBA in EPS format and should be in a maximum of 4
colors. Bold strong colors may work best.
2. Contain the MTBA logo
3. Contain the words " 2005/2006 National MTB Series"

For the 2005/2006 Series the race number plates will be retained by the
participants and thus will be a constant reminder of the artistic and
creative ability of the winner of the design contest. MTBA also
intends to publish a series guide for the 2005/2006 season which will
put the winning designed firmly on public display around Australia.

The competition will run from 5th July to close of business on the 26th
July 2005. The winner will be judged on creativity and applicability to
the range of purposes stated above. Designs will remain the property of
the designer until a final decision is made by MTBA at which time all
rights will revert to MTBA. In return the winning entry will receive a
free MTBA membership.

Please pass this onto people who may be interested.

If you would like further information on this please contact Tony Scott
directly (0416 228 016 or