DH Racing

G'day guys,

I'm starting to get into DH racing. Do you guys have any tips to train for a race? And are there any good tracks in the Sydney region, as far as around Del Rio, to practise and improve my riding on, not FR style?
What tracks do WSMTB club use to race btw? \

Any response would be greatly appreciated.



Likes Bikes and Dirt
The best training for anything is replicating the event that your training for.
Work out where your at now and what you need to improve on whether it be fitness or riding itself. Endurance is a good thing to have up your sleeve as it not only allows you to pedal where necessary but also make faster decisions on the track.
Riding the tracks that you will be racing on is good for race day confidence although its not a necessity. You could nominate a day or 2 a week for riding DH tracks and other training days might involve a long distance ride, sprint starts, small bursts/ intervals of energy followed by a timed rest and repeat 5-10 times, core work for balance ect.
Im also interested to see what works for other people. One things for sure, it doesn't matter how good your program is if you don't follow it you won't see any results.