Garmin 510 consistently plotting straight lines

knob scortcher

Likes Dirt
Hi all, just wondering if anyone has a quick fix or knows why my GPS wont track my rout properly but will get the ride statistics pretty spot on.
I have tried google but not 100% sure what to search for to find a fix. Have a major race this weekend and would like to avoid resorting to using my phone to track it.

I haven't changed any setting recently (possibly could have bumped something though).

what should the plot loo like? (the triangle shown, or something else). almost looks like its auto pausing or something or jsut giving one error point. Maybe give it an one off or reset.
along the road was the last bit?
Try deleting some files, I've had issues with mine not getting GPS fix, no idea why but this seems to mitigate it.
Also make sure you let it get a GPS signal before you head off. I think the less memory it has the longer this takes too
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What do you have the data sample rate set to? If on auto set to the shortest available so it is recording more regularly. If it is not recording every second or so it may not be getting enough data to plot a accurate route and just putting a straight line in between each data sample.
Looks like not enough memory free on the device and the sample rate is set to "smart" or auto as shiny mentioned.
Just took a look, it did have maybe 20 or so files on it, and the gps recording was set to "smart". Ill give it a test tomorrow and see how it goes. I have set it to record every 1 second now

Thanks heaps