International Great Cycle Challenge 2022 - raising money to fight kids cancer

250km done, 150km to go!

The rest of the week is tricky as I have commitments in the evening for the next three days so I'm going to try and fit in some sneaky 10km rides and then hopefully smash it out over the weekend - which is also my daughter's birthday...
At the end of the day, it’s a bit of fun and novelty to encourage donations to a good cause. There are more important things than getting to the actual km target.

Enjoy your daughters birthday.
At the end of the day, it’s a bit of fun and novelty to encourage donations to a good cause. There are more important things than getting to the actual km target.

Enjoy your daughters birthday.

Of course I will :)

It just means an Ash Ridesday,
Last ride for the month this morning and last for the challenge. It's always good to kick up the fitness and get some funds for a good cause.

I've not been able to go for another ride due to multiple commitments - they give you the opportunity to catch up next month so I'll be doing that.
I'm on 300km now - I'll aim to get to the 400km mark before I go away on holiday!