Help for the downhill race may 6th.


Likes Dirt
OK with the downhill race just around the corner we need to organize volunteers!!!!!

We will need people for the following jobs

REGO early sunday morning
Canteen during the day
Drivers for the shuttle trucks (medium rigid license required for 2 of them)
People to help with parking in the morning.

If anyone is keen to lend a hand just post up and let us know what you can help with.
We should have enough people for most jobs now. Most importantly we have enough people to drive the trucks. For everyone helping on the other jobs just rock up as early as you can and head to the gazebo where the rego/canteen is. If I'm not around I'm sure someone in there will be able to point you in the right direction.

If there's any questions feel free to give me a call on 0431 977 310

-This will involve work in the canteen, preparing burgers etc. and selling drinks
-Will need the majority of volunteers from mid morning until around 2 in the afternoon
-around 4 people

Transport driving (4 x 3T, 2 x 9T)
-Driving trucks for the day; 3 Tonne trucks require normal car license and while bigger ones require open medium rigid
-from 8am until last riders go up (around 2pm)

-You will be directing cars in the far parking paddock
-Will only be needed until mid morning
- 1 person

Transport Coordination (possibly not needed but if someone's keen then that would be great)
-Needed to be at the bottom to help loading bikes on and to coordinate trucks and buses
-Ideally you will be there from 8 until the last riders have gone up for there race runs (around 2), however if you can't be out there inside these hours than some arrangements could be made to maybe share this role
- 1 or 2 people

Timing (haven't finalised if we actually need someone yet)
-Would involve operating timing gear at the top and bottom; you will be shown how to operate equipment but it's not too hard
- 2 to 3 people

General tasks
-You may not need to do something but would be on call for anything that needed helping
-as many people as possible

I think this was everything, if anyone else has some additions let me know. Just grabbed this list from last year's thread.

Thanks, Jock
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Hey Guys,

I am keen as mustard. Happy to do whatever.

I have a license but can also cook a mean burger.

I'll have to take a day off work so please let me know ASAP if I am required.

Cheers...... Bob McRoberts
Hey mate, I'll be home then and will be keen to see some racing, so throw me down for the Canteen, I'm guessing Dad will be keen to, will double check.
Hey Bob

Thanks for the offer! I'll see how we go in the way of numbers in the next week or so and then get back to you depending on whether there's enough or not.

Hi All,

Put me down for general tasks, canteen or to relieve on timing (though I will need to learn how).

Kind regards

Ill be able to help. Can't drive, never done anything like rego or timing. Could probably walk around and pick up rubbish or do little bits and pieces here and there. I was aiming to have a race in my age group (17's i think ide be) so depending on how much time there is ill do stuff.

*Same as Guy From Nowhere for me too*
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Yep Dad won't be able to help out for the race, so I'll represent Joy Family Racing in the canteen. Someone else will have to organise all the food and whatnot.
I'm happy to help also, but will be racing sport. As this is my first race I have no idea of the time I will have spare to help, so feel free to tell me I'm an idiot for double booking. Given my recent run of injuries, I may also spotaneously end up in hospital...


Just an update on who can help and what they are able to do. I have narrowed down the jobs based on what you have all nominated to do although if anyone has any problems with these allocations just let me know and we can probably sort something out. Based on the preferred jobs so far it is clear that we need more volunteers to cover the driving, canteen and timing areas so if you know someone that could possibly help out in any of these tasks it would be great if you could ask for their assistance.

Of Particular importance is sourcing drivers for the trucks as without these volunteers the race simply does not run. To the people I have listed as potential drivers could you please get back to me as soon as possible to confirm if you can actually drive. If you can drive it would be a massive help! On top of this we also need 2 9T truck drivers and possibly 1 more person to drive a 3T.

Here is the list of people that said they can volunteer with some loose job allocations:

Bob McRoberts – Canteen or possibly driving 3T truck
Brayden Joy - Canteen, Rego
Sunni Chandra (from Brisbane) – Canteen or possibly driving 3T truck
Matt Redding - Canteen or timing
Jiel Case – Rego, General tasks
Ryan Myler – Rego
Pete Young – General tasks or timing
Aidan (need further details) – Driving 3T truck
Kurt (need further details) – General tasks
Guy from nowhere (need further details) – General tasks

If possible could all listed volunteers provide me with some further details including your full name, email and phone number so that we are able to contact you with specific details closer to the race date. PM me on here or otherwise send an email to
GFN and Kurt

If you're racing you'll most likely only be available early morning late afternoon or once your category has finished coming down the hill. If you feel like arriving early than I'm sure we could find a job for you otherwise after racing there will probably be some cleaning up to do etc.

Thanks for the help!

Sorry I haven't responded to this up till now but I will be there on the day, so happy to help out with whatever - just point me in the right direction. Cheers, Perry
Just an update on who can help and what they are able to do. I have narrowed down the jobs based on what you have all nominated to do although if anyone has any problems with these allocations just let me know and we can probably sort something out. Based on the preferred jobs so far it is clear that we need more volunteers to cover the driving, canteen and timing areas so if you know someone that could possibly help out in any of these tasks it would be great if you could ask for their assistance.

Of Particular importance is sourcing drivers for the trucks as without these volunteers the race simply does not run. To the people I have listed as potential drivers could you please get back to me as soon as possible to confirm if you can actually drive. If you can drive it would be a massive help! On top of this we also need 2 9T truck drivers and possibly 1 more person to drive a 3T.

Here is the list of people that said they can volunteer with some loose job allocations:

Bob McRoberts – Canteen or possibly driving 3T truck
Brayden Joy - Canteen, Rego
Sunni Chandra (from Brisbane) – Canteen or possibly driving 3T truck
Matt Redding - Canteen or timing
Jiel Case – Rego, General tasks
Ryan Myler – Rego
Pete Young – General tasks or timing
Aidan (need further details) – Driving 3T truck
Kurt (need further details) – General tasks
Guy from nowhere (need further details) – General tasks

If possible could all listed volunteers provide me with some further details including your full name, email and phone number so that we are able to contact you with specific details closer to the race date. PM me on here or otherwise send an email to

Hey Jock..As I said before I am happy to do whatever. Would love to drive a truck but figure that It's probably harder finding people for the canteen. Happy to swap around jobs on the day if necessary. Where do we need to be and at what time?
Hey Jock..As I said before I am happy to do whatever. Would love to drive a truck but figure that It's probably harder finding people for the canteen. Happy to swap around jobs on the day if necessary. Where do we need to be and at what time?

Hi again Bob

I think it will actually be harder to get people for the transport as it's probably a harder job. If you're happy to drive a truck it would therefore be a massive help!

At this stage I don't have specific details on where and when to be at for the drivers although usually those doing transport have to pickup their truck from Europecar either the day before or early in the morning before the race. Once I find out these details I will let you know what's happening.

In the meantime it's probably best I grab a mobile number and email off you to contact you more efficiently.

Hi again Bob

I think it will actually be harder to get people for the transport as it's probably a harder job. If you're happy to drive a truck it would therefore be a massive help!

At this stage I don't have specific details on where and when to be at for the drivers although usually those doing transport have to pickup their truck from Europecar either the day before or early in the morning before the race. Once I find out these details I will let you know what's happening.

In the meantime it's probably best I grab a mobile number and email off you to contact you more efficiently.

0414 267 731