HELP! Noise in front end


Likes Dirt
My bikes has started to make a weird sound in the front end its like a knocking sound. It happends when ever you ride over anything rough. Im not sure if its the headset, bushings, or somthing in the wheel? Or somthing else? How do you check the bushings in the forks?
thanks james
Grab the front brake, push forwards on the bike with out compressing the fork. Cup hand around the head set to check for movement, if there is none, cup hand around the dust wiper seal and check for movement.
its not top out becuase i can set rebound do full and still makes noise its more on the compresswion part but it just sort of rattles and when i grab the front brake and shake it and push on it. It doesnt move or anything so im not sure. It almost sounds like the wheel is lose but its not. And when you push the forks in like 5-10mm it makes a bit of a noise not sure if this is it or not. It shakes your arms around to and isnt smooth so im trying to fix it asap.
thanks james
i have a 2007 66 rc2x and im going to do a service as soon as i can go buy some oil. But would this cause the knocking sound? It didnt use to do it?
If you read the post before you i have 2007 66 rc2x forks and if some one could answer the question i posted before.

mate,even if the oil was old it still shouldnt cause a noise,but if you have a spring in your front forks and theres a peice of rubber or plastic on the spring the its all the way to the bottom turn your spring up side down so its at the top and it will slowly work its shelf back down the spring,i have to do this to my fox 40's and when i do that the noise stops.
sorry catys i dont understand what you mean i have 66 and these have springs but what do you mean by the peice of rubber i dont understand could you please explain.

ok on some springs there put a moulded peice of rubber or it can be made out of plastic to balance your spring in the fork arm but some times they can work them selfs down and can cause the spring to make a way to see is to pull your spring out and look at it and see if it has anything on the spring,if its there its about 3inchs long.
ok will do when i service them thanks. But this isnt like that i dont think. Its like a clunking sound, like if you didnt do your headset uptight and there was a gap in it. But its tight so im not sure.