Hornsby advocate - front page.


Likes Dirt
In July Hornsby Council will have their BMX and MTB plan up for comment.

Check the plan, it is the consultive tool for us to comment on (re Hornsby). Official version out in July I hear. It looks good (from my reading) for smaller dirt jumps, and XC 26". Things don't look so good for DH and FR unless a club backs it.

What are the main clubs in the area? Most riders are not in clubs.

http://www.farkin.net/forums/showthread.php?t=124137&highlight=hornsby+draft (contains a list of assessed sites).

I you have half a mature clue, please keep me in the loop. Thanks.

My view: I want the provision of sustainable Technical single XC 26" loops (with a and B lines) that I'm prepared to volunteer to maintain. Everybody should have a view.

I don't know about Kuringai but I vote that local people give up on NPWS and focus on councils.
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Likes Dirt
Yesterday's north shore times has an article in it about some boys in Killara who want the council to provide them with land to build jumps.
We all need to decide on a place that is central in Kuringai. Killara and lindfield is a trek away for any other kuringai rider except for the six boys in the article really, so maybe somebody could tell us if Ryan Krishnan has a farkin member ship or any of his friends and we could discuss building something in stives maybe. Any way, its good we have so many people invovled in getting something done, and maybe we should all sign this petition if you haven't done already, www.gopetition.com.au/petitions/bike-jumps-ku-ring-gai.html


Likes Dirt
the guy in the news paper he has camo pants on. hes like from the army of jump distruction. im suprised hes not holding a gun in his hand. dosnt he have any thing to do apart from ruin kids jumps. get a life.

Stop being so negative.

If you dont have any thing nice or constructive to say why say anything at all?
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Eats Squid
with the recent hornsby descision happening, i was doing a bit of looking around on google earth at the areas they put forward and also what else was around or had been built in the past....this jump site is pretty easily spotted to anyone with GE and broadband. its a massive scar on the land and was only a matter of time before it was spotted this way....tree cover is essential if you want your guerilla style dirt jumps to survive it seems.


Likes Dirt
Just to assist some of the activists in this thread join a united front:

The person to see regarding Kuringai Council is Simon from TORC at Turrumurra Cycles. He is already in liaison with Kuringai and the local NPWS people there. http://www.turramurracyclery.com.au/

The people to see regarding Hornsby Shire Council are http://hsmba.info/ through HSC, HSMBA have access to the local NPWS people. More than 200 people have registered interest. Fliers for HSMBA are in most bike shops in the area. If there are none in your store let HSMBA know.