How to build DJ's

wow...that guide improves on my method a bit.. :p
LOl and yer i never thought of using google earth :D
Thanks mate great post.
Thanks !

Brilliant, thats possibly the most helpful post ive read in the last year.
Thanks alot Gluey, great help, ive got a heap of empty non-national park land about 20min ride from my house, would salt water suffice or do i have to use fresh, my dad orders water in big 15lt bottles, i could fill them up at the closest ocean then wheelbarrow them up to the jump area, of find a tap in the area.
Brilliant, thats possibly the most helpful post ive read in the last year.
Thanks alot Gluey, great help, ive got a heap of empty non-national park land about 20min ride from my house, would salt water suffice or do i have to use fresh, my dad orders water in big 15lt bottles, i could fill them up at the closest ocean then wheelbarrow them up to the jump area, of find a tap in the area.

Tricky Question mate, give it a go, see what happens. But the salt water would be awesome to clear grass and the likes for the run up (I believe salt water would kill it). But yeah give it a go, trying something doesn't usually kill anyone.
Well it probably wouldnt be much of a problem. Your jumps might smell a bit salty though. And there would be salt flakes through the soil. But if i had the option of using saltwater i probably would give it a shot.

a good way to get dirt if you cant be bothered digging for it is to go down to a local construction site with a trailer and just ask em to fill you up 8 times out of ten they are willing to help you out
Great description on how to build dirt jumps:)

u kno how said it helps to put pickets where the is going to go
do u really nead them?

Yes it was a great description, did you notice how easy it was to read? amazing what happens when you proof before you post.... :rolleyes:

Use common sense with the pickets mate... if the logs are shifting fowards when you start compacting you should've used pickets. Personally, i say if you're building on a flat i like to dig my bottom logs/rocks/drums watever into the ground a little bit to create a stable base, however if it's slopped at all i usually add pickets too. As i said before if it's shifting add pickets.

thanks for that info mate also wherre are those jumps are they in tas ? cos i would like to visit them if they are

They arent in Tasmania

As said by Big_Chief they are not in Tasmania, I actually do not live in Tasmania, I have stated that in My location because when posting pictures of the DJ's that I have constructed people will not go and seek them if they are in the area. Get my Drift?

P.S.Updates to this thread will occur soon with infomation from other threads have been added.

Those are nice jumps there are jump near my place well they where till the little primary school guys come and smash them all up:mad:

Thanks for the advice on how to biuld jumps like that buts it a bit hard for me to get the tools unless i sneak them out of my dads shed that does not go down well when i show him the jumps and the tools are they and they are rusted.

Do you put stuff under the dirt like logs,crates,rocks???
I do but they fall apart after about 5 goes at the jump.

Thanks christop:cool:
good job

what a fine effort there mate. I myself am in the process of building some dirt jumps and i was having a lot of trouble trying to put a steep lip on it to get more air. The conditions arent the best as its fairly dry but the surroundings offer huge potential.
Those are some gnarly as jumps.

I find that when building the upramps the main thing do do is use some rocks, branches, logs, whatever you can really get to make the main base and then just cover it up with a whole heap of dirt untill you get the right steepnest and length you want. Dirt is the key.

Downramps are usually built the same way. Watch out for spiders and stuff when carrying logs and all that though.

I have just updated the initial post with How to maintain your tools. Give me some ideas of what to add to the thread. I enjoy helping you guys out
hey guys. i live on a farm and me and my bros have bieng making some dj we had a bobcat move some of the dirt but some of the latest ones are just dirt we dug from pits. my friends made some jumps in the church yard across from thier house. make sure you dont have any logs or wood under your jumps exposed cause people will come and rip it out
thanks for the advice i once tryed buiding dirt jumps and they did not have very much air time so we got no tricks in on them because no time for it so it was just rolling over them but now i found a good place to build them and decent ones too even though it took the crew the whole holidays to complete because of clearing old trees etc. but in the end they were the maddest jumps ever with a bit of northshore too thanks mate, craig
dude they look sweat wanna ride them :p i just wanna inforce something that i now u have probably mentioned which is DONT TELL ANYONE BESIDE THE MAKERS. U will have all these pricks come and then little kids will ficked them up and make em smaller and shit like that. Anyways sweat set of dj's/
hey there, u no quiet a bit about picking ya tracks have you ever considered with the tools using a braod toothed rake it works well if the ground coverage is thick.

i gotta say i was starting to go the wrong way about building DJs, but perhaps you've set me straight.

Thanks-a-million!:D:D:D Jack122
nice jumps!

nice pics and looks as though you have put alot of effort into this

i'd love some action shots of you guys showing how to ride the jumps aswell as building em!
