WA Kalamunda Circuit News

Hi Trail Builders

We have been lucky to have had the services of the work team from the Department of Corrective Services this week and what an awesome effort they put in.
I walked the section that they cleared on Wednesday morning and was really happy with the quality of their work but the distance they covered is what I was blown away with. It was a beautiful sunny morning and the smile on my face kept growing the further I walked, I kept thinking they must have finished by now but it kept going, maybe 2kilometres at a guess.
I have passed our thanks onto the work team for their great effort and we hope to get them back soon.

On another subject about good efforts I have tallied up the hours that have been worked on the Kalamunda Circuit and 56 volunteers have worked in excess of 700 hours.
There was a lot of work done by Perth Mountain Bike Club and The Western Australian Mountain Bike Association before any work happened on the ground.
At a cost of $40.00 per hour that’s $28,000 worth of effort from you the mountain bike community.
Our aim is to build the trail to the Dell by September. It will be a huge effort but with the help of the work crews and all you volunteers

I hope to see you at the BBQ lunch on Saturday 1pm at the Calamunda Camel Farm, Paulls Valley Road.
Many thanks to Chris at the Camel farm for the use of his facilities and for providing garden salads for us.

