Three things pissing me off lately more than ever:
-E bikes. For fucks sake I'm so sick of these fucking things being pushed as the standard bicycle. I don't really care if they are great because your grandfather has a sore tore and it gets him out on a bike, they're motor bikes and 92% of the kooks riding them are a menace.
-Recreational fishing. I live in a coastal town and we have lots of walkways adjoining creek mouths to the sea and the big blue sea. Why is it that every motherfucking mouth breather needs to park their unemployed arse in these places with bags of rubbish aimlessly throwing plastic lures into the ocean and NEVER catch anything? All these fucking morons do is leave their rubbish everywhere for the ocean to absorb. We have a big jetty in town in a relatively protected harbour and these fuckers dangle their shitty baited hooks fifty feet below them hoping to catch something. They don't, they never do yet they persist in chucking their bait bags everywhere. I would have not an ounce of objection to local council's banning fishing where people can see you. The lazy heaps of shit chucking their rubbish everywhere would be useless to go elsewhere and hopefully we'd put a stop to the rubbish everywhere you look.
-Smoking. Geez man, bring back the legal sale of vapes! At least your floral scented vape smoke didn't stink so damn much. Ciggie butts everywhere, people smoking at places where you're eating & drinking, people at social events nicking off for a smoke.............just quit you losers.