VIC New You Yangs DH Track


Likes Dirt
I was at the You Yangs on the weekend for a bit of DH riding and trail building. Trav, (who has done alot of the building out there) showed me the rough layout of the new DH track. It looks so sweet. Steep chutes, rock formations, wooden berms (to be built) and anything else we can think of.

Work on it has only just started, so there is HEAPS of work to do. If you can come down to help out, work is done most weekends, just be sure to PM trav or myself to organize it.

There is an official Working Bee soon, I will post up the details as it gets closer. The sooner we get it built, the sooner we all can ride it.

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Likes Bikes and Dirt
Why build an unnessicary wooden structure when you can dig a dirt berm in? The amount of work put in to bringing wood in, constructing it and cleaning up after could be put into making a much nicer to ride and maintain dirt berm. Dirt is also free.


Likes Dirt
dirt might be free but it involves digging and theres more rock than dirt at youies :p

any chance of some pics of the new track?


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Why build an unnessicary wooden structure when you can dig a dirt berm in? The amount of work put in to bringing wood in, constructing it and cleaning up after could be put into making a much nicer to ride and maintain dirt berm. Dirt is also free.

Why dont you come and help out with the trail instead of sitting on your butt in front of the computer on Farkin, Come and give your ideas on the track, not on the internet, its more logical.

Back on topic, Melbournians help out, Shorerider and I will be helping out alot with Trav to make the new DH track.
Come help out, be apart of something that will end up being a totally cool DH track.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Why dont you come and help out with the trail instead of sitting on your butt in front of the computer on Farkin, Come and give your ideas on the track, not on the internet, its more logical.
I havn't seen you at any of our track building days have I? Im just voicing my opinion on track building, which i do more than my fair share of.


Likes Dirt
You Yangs New DH Track

The reason for the wooden berms is that it's not always possible to pile up enough dirt, and rocks to hold it all together. Also there are environmental issues too.
There is plenty of dirt at the You Yangs, but the good dirt (the stuff that will actually hold together) is about 50mm below the surface. The top layer is Mulch.
The You Yangs is BUSH. If you could get a Bobcat up the side of the Hill, most if not ALL of the berms could probably be made of dirt and rock. Its hard enough to even walk through at the moment, so to even obtain dirt, would mean clearing sections of bush not intended for part of the track.

So it's not a matter of choice, it's what ever is practical and best for the environment.

Teamshore and I have only just started helping Trav and his crew. All we are trying to do is spread the word to get more people involved so that we ALL can have more tracks to ride.

As for photos, the track has only just started to be built, so it's still mostly bush.



Likes Bikes and Dirt
Just so you know, the last post on this thread was from almost 3 years ago!!!:rolleyes:
Ha Ha i was wondering why GMBC would have wooden berms. I then thought mabey techno drop.... But GMBC has only just started.

Luckily you made note of the date otherwise i would of been really confused. This track must of been trav's..


Farkin Activist
Why No wood?

To badly para phrase Joey Klein IMBA trail guru when was doing presentations around Australia: "Because wood means ownership. There needs to be a regular servicing of the wood, replacing broken parts and liability issues with man made artificial structures which is why natural (dirt) is favoured."