Fartes of Portingale
Sharing the hell out of this and if one "poacher" picks up a shovel then we can call it a win.
Last time I was out riding there I came across two grown ups riding those little peewee (?) dirt bikes on Suoerbowl. Looked ridiculous, and not much fun.This is great, we need to do one for motorbikes on trails too. I was out at Coondoo near Nowra the other day. After a few kms of torn up berms I came across two motorbikes stopped on the side of the trail, no doubt they were resting their wrists, needless to say they got a mouthful as I rode past. The contempt people can have for hand build trails is unbelievable.
Yep that a great vid. I run a lot of build and maintenance days and it still amazes me how many ride the trails and how few come to the build days.Sharing the hell out of this and if one "poacher" picks up a shovel then we can call it a win.
Yep that a great vid. I run a lot of build and maintenance days and it still amazes me how many ride the trails and how few come to the build days.
Oh yeah but they are always very thankful as they ride past, just not thankful enough actually stop and help though.Or how many ride through while you are digging or the second the tools are down!