NSW Planning for a bike park in Ku-ring-gai


NSWMTB, Manly Warringah MTB
I got the following from Ku-ring-gai Council yesterday and thought that it be worth posting so that we can get some more feedback to the council.

Hi all
Council currently has an opportunity to obtain a professional concept design for a off road bike playground.- ( BMX/Mountain Bike)
The most suitable area council has identified is off the end of Golden Jubilee Oval, Esk Street Wahroonga and the old quarry at the end of Clissold Road Wahroonga, both at the bushland edge. see attached images of proposed areas.

This will allow two separate areas joined by the North Wahroonga to North Turramurra fire trail. Making a cycling precinct/hub.
We can't promise this to be built in any particular time but we can aim to have a good plan which will assist us when requesting funding and gaining community/council acceptance.

What I would like to know from the cycling community is what you want/what would be used by the majority of the community. The following features have been suggested by the designers.Is this in line with your skill base.( I'm afraid down hill is out at this stage)
Eg. runs with dirt jumps, a couple of short skills loops that are designed for riding skills progression, low risk timber and soil obstacles/features, a pump track, cross country dirt criterium.

Would it be best to have two separate parks ( Clissold and Golden Jubilee) with two skill levels or a mix of skills one leading to the other.

If you would like to share you knowledge on community needs, please get back to me prior to me engaging the planners who would create Ku-ring-gai's off road cycling playground concept.

I'd be happy for a phone chat or reply in email.

Mary-Lou Lewis
Environmental Levy Natural Areas Program Leader
Ku-ring-gai Council


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Likes Bikes
a little bit of north shore style stuff maybe
we definately have enough trees in the areas higlighted to do some of thosetree drops like down at mt buller in victoria
also the areas around there are steep enough to have a good downhill/freeride track just possibly not long enough from top to bottom