Question for the OG’s


soft-arse Yuley is on the lifts again
I reckon you'd have to be petty OG to round up a bunch of dudes from another culture and emasculate them. So for the narrative I'm going with the roaming gang of escape eunuch slaves are seeking revenge by killing off important people and stuffing the gentials of the victims into the victim's mouths as a calling card. The victims of course racing to their cause of death...will it be bleeding out from the wound or choking on their own genitals? Then of course the the show will be padded out with the politics of slavery and racism all a thinly veiled scalding of modern society. Naturally nobody will really get the lesson and the show will be popular with macho dudes that say informed stuff like "...and stuffed his balls in his mouth as he died. It was brutal and awesome!". Will probably need boobs too. Ummm...some eunuchs are employed to pleasure the harems of important people. The debate is who wouldn't love such a life? But of course they are still slaves with no balls against their will. Mirroring our modern "at least they have jobs..." attitude to people working for dirt so we can have gold or wharever.

Clearly destined to change the world. Invest now!
Can I bring back a hip-hop flavour and suggest coolio be the leader of the ‘important people’ (BTW - they need a cooler gang name) and he taunt the eunuchs by singing his 1994 classic ‘hand on my nutsac’. And that De Lench Mob serve as his henchmen, often proclaiming ‘you’re all on my nutsac‘ as they did in their ‘92 song of the same name.
This sets up a great finale.
Man, this thing writes itself @pink poodle

pink poodle

Can I bring back a hip-hop flavour and suggest coolio be the leader of the ‘important people’ (BTW - they need a cooler gang name) and he taunt the eunuchs by singing his 1994 classic ‘hand on my nutsac’. And that De Lench Mob serve as his henchmen, often proclaiming ‘you’re all on my nutsac‘ as they did in their ‘92 song of the same name.
This sets up a great finale.
Man, this thing writes itself @pink poodle
I can't imagine this film working without hip hop. Probably throw the 2 Live Crew in there and who could forget that Geto Boys classic line? Now I've got the world swinging from my nuts, damn it feels good to be a gansta. Maybe these old school and golden era lyrics could be used as straight up lines in the film?

We can then have a rap line bingo competition as a promo for the film? Need to link the line with the performer in the bingo matrix card you get on the first viewing of the film. If you get them all correct you go in the draw to win a prize.


Eats Squid
OG - Old Guard.... pre RB burners from the days

Or am I missing something?

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Old Guard (Australia)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Old Guard was an Australian anti-communist organisation which was founded in 1930 and was primarily active in New South Wales. Its exact origins are disputed. At least one historian has claimed that it existed as early as 1917. It has been described as a paramilitary, quasi-official, vigilante, anti-communist organisation.

The group was primarily concerned with the social conditions arising from the Great Depression, and the actions of the Labor state government in New South Wales led by Premier Jack Lang. Neither the Old Guard, nor its offshoot, the New Guard, supported the Australia First Movement. In response to rumours that fires would be started by agitators, the Old Guard was a driving force behind the more effective organisation of country bush fire brigades in New South Wales. As fears of a communist takeover subsided, the Old Guard lacked purpose and was dissolved sometime in the 1950s.[


Likes Dirt
Original Gangster.

"Is there just one intended meaning and most are getting it wrong"

misappropriation at its finest.


custom titis
(Cue ‘ok boomer’)

Those of you out there saying you are one of the OG riders (and some of you I know do on FB occasionally), what do you mean?
I always thought it was ‘Original Gangster’, but some people also seem to mean ‘Old Guys’, ‘’Old Gang’, ‘Original Guys’ or ‘Original Gang’.
Am I missing any? Is there just one intended meaning and most are getting it wrong, Also, why are most of the people calling themselves OG, barely out of short pants? Asking for a friend...a boomer friend.
Like all things exposed to the internet the term has just been bastardised to mean whatever the poster wants it to - OG was meant to be Original Gangtser to define your roots and command respect - now it can also mean Original Gang (like group that made it) Original Gamer - Original Group - Just a claim by anyone to be at the start of something - Stolen Valor comes to mind as the reason for so many people using it that are not entitled.