Riser Bars

Hey guys...

just snapped my bars (damn cheapo specialized stock shit!!)

looking for something cheapish in the riser bar area...

anyone reckon they can help me out???
i don't particularly feel like forking out for new bars coz i'm trying to sell... well i was until this happened... selling will have to be delayed until i actually make it rideable again

i'd prefer someone in melbourne or surrounding are (i.e. geelong, etc. is managelable) coz postage could cost a bit... and i don't have much mulah to throw around until i sell it!!!!




ex offender
Kona DH risers, I bought em for $30 2nd hand, you can have em for $20 if ya like (I haven't used em). They're pretty wide too.
my m8 (stab_primo) has ritchey rizer comps, barely scratched, i think the sale price is like 70 give or take, they are that dam good, i got pics


logged out
I've got a set of Axiom risers, 4 piece construction, oversized tubing... I'd want $30 for them. If you need pics, just ask... As for postage, shouldn't be more than $7 or so.