Sports Nutrition!


Likes Dirt
yeh i get really bad headaches after a xc race or dh race and yeh i drink heaps of water to. So you recon salt will do the trick. MMM will have to see.


Eats Squid
I rode with Creepyjoe the other night and he rode harder then most of us haha he was still sessioning stairs when me and ryan we fecked ...

I noticed you didnt have any hydration device or anything .. I used to go out on Urban night rides without water and think it's cool it's not hot or anything but one night we did this 20k spin and i dehydrated myself so bad i had a headache in the frontal region on my head ( the worst ones ) and it latest for 2 days. $60 will get you a Camel Bak 1.5L

one of the best purchases. something that is always used.


Lives in a hole
WATER. I know it's already been said, but you can't get enough of this stuff (ok you can, but hyper-hydration is pretty extreme). I never used to drink much water but in the last year or so I've upped my intake to at least 3L a day, sometimes 5 or more if it's hot and I'm being really active. I will fill really bad (ill almost) if I don't have a couple of litres a day. Yes you do tend to piss a lot, but that's the idea, get all the crap you don't need out of your system and keep it well fueled.
Anyway, that's my two cents, I'm gonna shut up now before I say something really misinformed...