The "I will ride _____km in 2024" thread - commit and conquer here!!

1629km to date, heading for 6000 though would like to see that over 7000km for 2022.

So, 3rd April I was at 1629km, now 41km short of 4000km at just past the half year mark.

My alcohol hiatus continues, still drinking socially if I have a social event or a trip away but not just drinking beers out of habit.

Managed 2 small weeks when I had covid and novid. May start doing 1 commute a week when Spring arrives.

Maybe... I might even make 8000km now :)

You guys are killing it!

I got off to a flyer of a start, but then fell off a cliff when the cold rainy weather turned up haha. And just been a bit busy lately.
Getting some motivation back now so will try and keep it going.

Still only 11 hours behind goal of 250hours, but are a bit down on elevation as would like to crack 100000m this year.

Well, just after my last progress report I managed to end up 900km behind my goal. Not sure how, but it took a good few weeks to be able to use my shoulder properly so probably something to do with that.

Anyway, slowly chipping away at it and was on track to juuuuust make it, but now Zwifting and should make it comfortably.

Ignore the elevation goal. Its just a random number.

Might break the 100,000vm for the year, will probably reach 7000km which is an improvement for the first time in 5yrs !
Last 5yrs I have went backwards.

1 million climbing metres since using strava coming up sometime in Feb 2023 :)

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I'm going to miss my target by a long shot. Been using the riding energy for other things, so that's sort of ok, but not.
I'm going to miss my target by a long shot. Been using the riding energy for other things, so that's sort of ok, but not.

Sadly thats life mate ! And all our circumstances are different too.

You body is still getting a workout and keeping you healthy, just no kilometres on the strava clock.

My work is getting ridiculous and our numbers are reducing. 3 x 15hr days and I come home each night absolutely f%#ked, if I can manage a 20km Zwift on one of those days, its a massive bonus.

Always looking forward to those days off :)
Posing a serious question not looking for an argument. Does zwift lyf count when you’re totalling kilometres and vert on a MTB forum? Now where’s that couch?
Posing a serious question not looking for an argument. Does zwift lyf count when you’re totalling kilometres and vert on a MTB forum? Now where’s that couch?

We need a multiplier system where MTB=1, then virtual, road, commuting and gravel slotting under with a multiplier of 0.9-0.4

Then the old Fatbike on soft sand which ranks above MTB on the hardness charts, zero elevation over a 50km beach, takes 6hrs.
To say I’m going to miss mine is understatement with the hernia surgery and recent flare up of my fibromyalgia I’ve done sweet FA. I did notice an improvement in my fitness just by riding the bits in between the train, work and home when commuting but next Thursday I go in for a day procedure so that’s probably another two or three weeks of no riding. I’m writing this year off and hopefully will smash next year, so I’m going to get in a few commutes and weekend ride before next Thursday.
I'm so far behind it isn't even worth considering. The original number was probably a touch ambitious with a child that turned 1 during the year but my main issue is the local trails were out of action due to the ridiculous rain we had at the start of the year. I think the local trails were closed for a total of 5 months. At one point I drove 3 hours each way to ride at Canberra because it had the closest rideable trails.

I could have stayed on track by riding on the road but I'd rather spend time with the family.
I assume gravel counts, surely.
Well I’ve heard on the grapevine the mods are actually going to change the name of the forum to Gravelburn soon so of course! I think though there’s some division wether it should be GravelBurn or Zwifburn. We’ll soon see.