Had a big speech to do yesterday, there is 3 of us in the group. The speeh was at 10am and on momday night we were still writing our sections and hadnt even seen eachothers work. Met up at 9 yesterday morning with an hour to somehow compile a speech and poweepoint with what we had. Hoped we could somehow fluke a pass.
We did the speech and it went ok, the changing of slides was rough though because we had to do little gestures each time it had to be changed, as we wrote our own slides too.
We ended up almost going over time and i didnt even read our conclusion, and just left it at our project recommendations before we went over... Nobody seemed to notice though.
When the lecturer/tutor was handing back the CRA at the end he comes to us and says "nice job boys, you have done the best so far". We were like huh! He explained what we covered was the right content and we did it well, he listed off what we did and it was definitley us he was talking about. So we got a 7, did the best out of everyone, and even beat those cocky mature age students (old enough to be my dad). Best feeling ever! Most epic fluke ive ever had.
He even said specifically that our powerpoint was flowy and seamless, I thought it was crap? Not going to complain though...