would b a hard slog, its just short of 50km, we took most of our club couple yrs ago, we rode off so we could fin <3 hrs but the rest took 4 with a stop at vaughan, & were tired. its the best section imo, and best bike would be xc dually, i never advise gravel bike on it, too rough, and ive seen too many bug out as soon as it got rough, broken rims, slashed shitty gravel tyres etc... if u can gravel road it to mt franklin,, avoid the drop into hepburn, scoot around on the east side, near the main daylesford rd, but head toward glenlyon then go straight north, will save 1/2 hr but your legs will thankyou later.. i uslally start at mt franklin as its most directy route if i ride the 20km from my place to link on