Vorsprung Suspension Corset Fox Air Shock Upgrade

I would think that if you take off the standard Fox can and compare it to the Corset, you will be able to tell if the Corset comes with all the required seals.

Seems odd that it wouldn't come with new seals and be ready to install.

Exactly. I'm just totally confused by this:

5. Install the backup rings and air seal into the end of the Corset's inner sleeve. Once properly seated, install the dust wiper.
Are there any seals that come with the corset?

Nope. Got everything off, the seals already in the Corset looked exactly the same as the Fox, so I put it all back together, which took less than 5 mins and now I can't pump up the shock! Either my shock pump has mysteriously decided to stop working, or I've totally buggered something up. I have no idea where the air is going and the shock just won't pump up. Pretty sure I did everything right, it's pretty simple once it's all in bits and I can't think what could have gone wrong. Having said that, I've never taken a shock apart before... The only thing that was a little off was that when I let the air out before taking it apart it the shaft fully contracted and when I took the air sleeve off it somehow fully expanded, so when I slid the Corset on I had to push quite hard to contract it to do up the eyelet thread.
Nope. Got everything off, the seals already in the Corset looked exactly the same as the Fox, so I put it all back together, which took less than 5 mins and now I can't pump up the shock! Either my shock pump has mysteriously decided to stop working, or I've totally buggered something up. I have no idea where the air is going and the shock just won't pump up. Pretty sure I did everything right, it's pretty simple once it's all in bits and I can't think what could have gone wrong. Having said that, I've never taken a shock apart before... The only thing that was a little off was that when I let the air out before taking it apart it the shaft fully contracted and when I took the air sleeve off it somehow fully expanded, so when I slid the Corset on I had to push quite hard to contract it to do up the eyelet thread.

## took the Corset off and put the Fox sleeve back on and it pumped up fine - WTF? Corset back on and it appears to be leaking air around a rotating join 5mm in from the eyelet thread. Has anyone else actually installed one of these things? To make matters even worse, I can't screw the Corset back off as it just rotates below the threaded part.
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After releasing all the air, I would expect the shock to contract as you've only released the air from the positive side of the air can, so the negative air side would contract the shaft. That's why you'd hear a release of air when you pull the can right off.

The opposite is happening when you put the new can on. The positive spring pressure will be increasing as you screw it on, making it harder to compress, slightly.

I'm no expert, but this is what I expect is happening.

If this is correct, then your seals should all be fine. Seems strange that it's not holding air though. Maybe pull it off again and check if all the seals are correctly seated.

Could also test your shock pump on your forks to make sure it's working.
## took the Corset off and put the Fox sleeve back on and it pumped up fine - WTF? Corset back on and it appears to be leaking air around a rotating join 5mm in from the eyelet thread. Has anyone else actually installed one of these things? To make matters even worse, I can't screw the Corset back off as it just rotates below the threaded part.

Seems odd. Didn't think there was a rotating seal near the eyelet end. Do you have this corset?

Seems odd. Didn't think there was a rotating seal near the eyelet end. Do you have this corset?

View attachment 309185

This one. The entire body of the Corset rotates at the seam 4-5mm below where the thread starts. Can't for the life of me figure out why it does this, perhaps it's so you can orientate the graphics to a prefered angle. The seals appear to be seated just the same as when I had the Fox sleeve back on it and it's definitely leaking the air around the rotation join. Bugger.
That's poo. Drop Vorsprung or Tekin an email and see what they say I guess.

Can you separate the parts and lube the seal?
That's poo. Drop Vorsprung or Tekin an email and see what they say I guess.

Can you separate the parts and lube the seal?

Yeah, totally sucks. I'll take it back to Tekin tomorrow. I really can't get it off without mangling the sleeve (don't have a rubber strap wrench), so now I am without a working shock. Didn't do it up that tightly either, just hand tight, which was obviously slightly more than the pressure needed to rotate the body around the seam. I proved that it's definitely leaking around the join (not the thread) by putting some tape really tightly around it and then pumping it up. Got to about 50PSI and then the tape burst. The joys of being an early adopter...
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## took the Corset off and put the Fox sleeve back on and it pumped up fine - WTF? Corset back on and it appears to be leaking air around a rotating join 5mm in from the eyelet thread. Has anyone else actually installed one of these things? To make matters even worse, I can't screw the Corset back off as it just rotates below the threaded part.

Hey mate - it sounds like an o-ring has been damaged (or omitted entirely) when the sleeve was assembled (our fault, not yours). Shoot me an email (steve@vorsprungsuspension.com) and I'll have you sorted out with the appropriate seals within a day or so. Where are you in Melbourne?

The way the Corset works is that it's two sleeves, one over the other. The outer one isn't keyed to the inner one, so with enough force you can rotate it over the inner sleeve. There are several o-ring seals between the two, and one may have been pinched during installation. To get the sleeve off, you can remove a large thick o-ring at the far end from the threads (use a pick or something sharp to pry it out - it's just a retainer not a seal, so unless you fully break it, damage isn't an issue) and then slide the outer sleeve off over the inner sleeve. Be careful as it will have a bit of friction initially then release quite quickly - twist to break the stiction then gently pull at the same time. Once you've done that, you'll be able to get a hold of the inner sleeve to install or remove as needed. I'm in the process of updating the installation instructions to account for this plus the initial confusion you had over whether you needed to change seals or not.

Sorry for all the issues, but we'll get you up and running ASAP! - Steve
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Hey mate - it sounds like an o-ring has been damaged (or omitted entirely) when the sleeve was assembled (our fault, not yours). Shoot me an email (steve@vorsprungsuspension.com) and I'll have you sorted out with the appropriate seals within a day or so. Where are you in Melbourne?

The way the Corset works is that it's two sleeves, one over the other. The outer one isn't keyed to the inner one, so with enough force you can rotate it over the inner sleeve. There are several o-ring seals between the two, and one may have been pinched during installation. To get the sleeve off, you can remove a large thick o-ring at the far end from the threads (use a pick or something sharp to pry it out - it's just a retainer not a seal, so unless you fully break it, damage isn't an issue) and then slide the outer sleeve off over the inner sleeve. Be careful as it will have a bit of friction initially then release quite quickly - twist to break the stiction then gently pull at the same time. Once you've done that, you'll be able to get a hold of the inner sleeve to install or remove as needed. I'm in the process of updating the installation instructions to account for this plus the initial confusion you had over whether you needed to change seals or not.

Sorry for all the issues, but we'll get you up and running ASAP! - Steve

@Nautonier - just spoke with Tekin, sounds like an o-ring was left out as my installation instructions weren't clear enough, hence your sleeve never holding air at all. I apologise sincerely for the hassle, but the good news is that it's an easy fix, and either Tekin or myself will get you sorted immediately.

- Steve
Hey mate - it sounds like an o-ring has been damaged (or omitted entirely) when the sleeve was assembled (our fault, not yours). Shoot me an email (steve@vorsprungsuspension.com) and I'll have you sorted out with the appropriate seals within a day or so. Where are you in Melbourne?

The way the Corset works is that it's two sleeves, one over the other. The outer one isn't keyed to the inner one, so with enough force you can rotate it over the inner sleeve. There are several o-ring seals between the two, and one may have been pinched during installation. To get the sleeve off, you can remove a large thick o-ring at the far end from the threads (use a pick or something sharp to pry it out - it's just a retainer not a seal, so unless you fully break it, damage isn't an issue) and then slide the outer sleeve off over the inner sleeve. Be careful as it will have a bit of friction initially then release quite quickly - twist to break the stiction then gently pull at the same time. Once you've done that, you'll be able to get a hold of the inner sleeve to install or remove as needed. I'm in the process of updating the installation instructions to account for this plus the initial confusion you had over whether you needed to change seals or not.

Sorry for all the issues, but we'll get you up and running ASAP! - Steve

Thanks for the reply, your instructions for getting the outer sleeve and then the inner sleeve off worked perfectly. And yes, the o-ring nearest the threaded end was missing entirely, which would explain why it was leaking air. The other 3 appear to be in tact. I'll send you an email.
That is some awesome customer service right there.

Look forward to more stuff being released by Vorsprung!

(Fox34 negative springs and DB Inline Corset) ;)
Now that's customer service!

Excellent work, Steve.

Excellent customer service indeed, I took it in to him this morning on my way to work and he installed the missing o-ring and put everything together on the spot!

I'd have to say, this thing is amazing - it really does feel like a coil spring! The plushness/lack of stiction in the first part of the stroke is infinitely better than with the old air sleeve and it seems to hold up well in the mid stroke and ramp up at the end is as it should be. Can't wait to get it on the trail. It does need a lot more pressure to get the same amount of sag as mentioned; I went from 180PSI to 250. The amazing thing is that it doesn't matter how much air you put in it, that soft, buttery feel in the first part of the travel stays the same, rather than ramping up to a rock-hard uber linear pogo-stick like it used too...
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