VSS Round 8 - Ararat - *Sunday Only


Likes Dirt
Big shout out to ClubMUD and to all who made Round 8 VSS, run so well. Perfect day for it, and awsome track. I got only a few pics of Sundays Finals.

Hi-res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG2105.JPG

Hi-Res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG2099.JPG

Hi-Res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG2106.JPG

Hi-Res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG2097.JPG

Hi-Res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG2117.JPG

Hi-Res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG2109.JPG

Hi-Res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG2108.JPG

Hi-Res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG2114.JPG


Hi-Res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG21061.JPG

Hi-Res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG2112.JPG

Hi-Res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG2107.JPG

Hi-Res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG2118.JPG

Hi-Res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG2121.JPG

Hi-Res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG2120.JPG

Hi-Res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG2119.JPG

Hi-Res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG2123.JPG

Hi-Res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG2124.JPG

Hi-Res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG2129.JPG

Hi-Res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG2135.JPG

Hi-Res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG2130.JPG

Hi-Res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG2134.JPG

Hi-Res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG2131.JPG

Hi-Res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG2132.JPG

Hi-Res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG2141.JPG

Hi-Res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG2139.JPG

Hi-Res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG2140.JPG

Hi-Res: http://forums.farkin.net/photo/data/500/CIMG2138.JPG

Ive got more to Come, so keep you eye open to this thread for updates. :cool:
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Likes Bikes and Dirt
Also, good to see Nato made it in twice! Just in case you missed him and his racer tuck the first time around.


Wheel size expert
haha, yea see what we can do on that request cam... he would have taken the cake if he had a Metallica muscle top on!
I thought a 'The Fast & The Furious' top was appropriate enough... lol, i was wrong.. lol

Mr King

Likes Dirt
Some nice piccos there, just letting you guys know that Leoni and I both went to see watty after the race at bendigo hospital, and he was in pretty good spirits considering that he had just been given a rod in his femur and a morphine clicker at hand. He got the hoody and DVD's that some of you guys put in for so thanks heaps for that. I have to say for a rider to break a pelvis and a femur in one season is the worst thing that i have heard for a while and I'm pretty sure he'll need a tonne of support over the next few months. Cheers for helping out everyone.