What happened to Bushy Park Wantirna


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Hi guys/girls. First time poster, long time forum peruser. Just a quick question for anyone who might be in the know. Whilst researching place to ride around my local area I came across a number of old posts (2008 and prior) about dirt crits at Bushy Park. So I decides to explore around the area to see if I could find these mysterious mountain bike trails. So I reach Bushy Park Paddock E after driving down Bushy Park Lane ( I think I was in the right place) and see a big NO ENTRY sign. Now I had come this far so to be deterred I said poo to you and promptly vaulted the fence with bike in hand before I could attract any suspicion from the locals. And a very suspicious character I must have looked in my riding kit with a bike slung over my shoulder. So over the fence I went and I start riding down a rather overgrown singletrail which ran under a stand of pines. I rode down this path until I came to a marshy area which seemed to give me no option but to turn back. Looking on Google Earth I have summised that the mtb trail was to the left of the stand of pines I rode under and has been converted to an equestrian area. So that long winded story leads me to my queston: is the Bushy Park mtb trail no more or was I just perhaps looking in the wrong area?
The crits that ran many years ago are definitely no longer.
There was some confusion with the landowners and a new lease with the equestrian club.
Needless to say, the horses won.
I raced the crits there in about 09 and 10 I think, And yes sadly the horses kicked the bikes out :( It was a great place for crits as I could pop in and race on my ride home from work.
Oh darn. Still shows the mtb track on Google Earth so i thought I mightve been looking in the wrong place but i guess i it is just a really old map. Bloody horses :(
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The track was around the paddock. A lot of it was fairly open but it got the heart pumping going flat out.
Pity that, i would love it if there was a nice flat xc type course in the local area where I could smash out a few laps. Lysterfield is great but a bit too much climbing for my tastes. ah well, first world problems
Pity that, i would love it if there was a nice flat xc type course in the local area where I could smash out a few laps. Lysterfield is great but a bit too much climbing for my tastes. ah well, first world problems

Dirt crits at Westgate park might be more to your liking.


Unfortunately, according to their facebook page there wont be a summer season this year due to construction projects in the area.

Tim Rowe (Akashra) on here is an active member of the (Full Gas Pedallers) club.
Dirt crits at Westgate park might be more to your liking.


Unfortunately, according to their facebook page there wont be a summer season this year due to construction projects in the area.

Tim Rowe (Akashra) on here is an active member of the (Full Gas Pedallers) club.

Thanks man. I have heard about Westgate and had a but if a snoop around the park in Winter. Are the trails themselves closed for summer or just the crits?