Sam hill riding for specialized


Porcinus Slappius
hmmmm, maybe its the ol hyperbole getting to spanky but.... how is hill going to Specialized a "bit of horrifying news"

spanky's just stoked his still riding... the guy could haul down a hill on an inflatable duck faster than most on any brand bike



Likes Dirt
wow if its true (only becouse the link didnt work i dont no what it said) but now all the litle kids who ride sundays and walk around in monster energy jersy are all going to sell up and by demo's

good news for people who own Specialized there bike went up in 10% value


Likes Dirt
wow, if thats true! It is a bit of a shock.
I was planning on buying a Demo anyway, in the future so im happy :D


Crashed out somewhere
links down?

assuming it was bulls*it then?

speshies payroll is big enough as is!
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Likes Bikes and Dirt
If it's been pulled that quickly, it was either erroneous or the powers that be didn't want it breaking before season's end...!


Likes Dirt
If it's been pulled that quickly, it was either erroneous or the powers that be didn't want it breaking before season's end...!
Maybe it was their over-zealous web designer accidentally posting it live instead of to the dev server.

That said - Given that River Valley Cycles doesn't even stock Specialized (or Iron Horse for that matter), I don't see a) why they care; and b) they would be the first to post it.

Let the e-speculation continue.....


Likes Dirt
Yeah thats what I thought but they lose the DW link contract at the end of 2008 supposedly.
dont believe everything you hear on the internet becouse iron horse has already brought there 09 out and guess what it has the same dw link as the 08 and the 07

I would say dont believe it untill you hear it straight from the horses mouth (no pun intended)

Alec McJo

Likes Bikes and Dirt

A friend of mine works as an engineer for Specialized, and he told me Sam Hill was in Morgan Hill to visit Specialized a few weeks ago regarding potential sponsorship for 2009. As far as my friend knows, however, nothing has been finalized yet.

As far as the bike is concerned, Sam would ride a fully-custom Demo 8 for the 2009 season, and then for 2010 Specialized would provide him with a completely new DH platform based on his input. This is all hypothetical though.
This is true.

I have seen Sam in the Building at Specialized.

I have seen him at UCSC with Specialized people........

Just a bit more speculation for everyone :p

Oh and for anyone saying it's "horrifying" news, and that it's going to slow him down - shut up. Do you really think Specialized would throw the Worlds fastest rider on whatever bike they've got and say "Here, win some races for us." That would completely defy the point of sponsoring such a high profile rider :rolleyes:

Alec McJo

Likes Bikes and Dirt
im guessing it's bullshit coz the link doesnt work and sams contract runs out in 09
Ssoo, if Sam's contract runs out in 09, and people are saying he's signing for Specialized in 09, how the FU... hell does that justify it being bullshit?
