Little Things You Hate


i cant do that shit anymore, like who gives a rats ass about shakespeare??? how does that have anything to do with the real world?

i cant do that shit anymore, like who gives a rats ass about shakespeare??? how does that have anything to do with the real world?
Let's all learn to post on an MTB forum instead, I'm sure that's much more valuable than Shakespeare.
Got something i hate.... experiencing it right now.

Stupidly watching MTB DVD's at 9pm, Sucks so bad wanting to ride like you've only got 1 day to live but can't coz its dark. FK

Nice people that keep talking to you but you don't want to talk to them. Whats a polite and nice sounding way of saying Stop talking to me your annoying? lol
random violence! If you are going to beat the shit out of someone for a Good reason then fair enough but do it on your own or not at all!

working weekends even if you've already done a full week and then some.

snobby pricks that give you greasys or stare you down because your dirty. For fuck sake why don't you spend 9 hours doing metal work and see if you come out clean!

people who show no respect for women.


+1. Agree with you there on all of those
drunken clueless advertising executive whores who harp on about the importance of being 'creative' and condemn you to all hellfire for working in the evil oil industry who then storm off in a huff when you counter with "Why is it so necessary to persuade fat kids to eat more McDonalds?"
Finding letterbox full of junk mail when there is a sign that requests 'no junk mail please' Fuck me, how hard can it be!:mad::mad::mad:
To continue along this theme: Arsehole sales reps that turn up with no notice and want to talk shit when you are obviously busy, plus there is a goddam sign on the goddam door that says"no reps except by appointment"
Learn to read mother fuckers
the act of 'charity' of buying a big mac on mchappy day.

working on mchappy day is a lot worse

manager forgetting to tell you its casual clothes

making more than 300 burgers in an 4 hours without drink or toilet breaks

sore back

head ache

missing i video of yourself on national TV because your were making burgers instead


need to pee

get home and you run to the toilet... there is some one in there... have to run to the other toilet, then you get piss all over pants and shirt because you weren't looking

that last bit was a joke!

its all for a good cause though
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skateboarders i hate them because they are in our way when we ride in the

skatepark and plus they chuck waterbombs at us and that pisses me off.

WAIT WAIT i got one more thing. They only go there to talk. :confused::confused:
skateboarders i hate them because they are in our way when we ride in the

skatepark and plus they chuck waterbombs at us and that pisses me off.

WAIT WAIT i got one more thing. They only go there to talk. :confused::confused:

Stop posting so much!!!!
youll get banned straight away:D